(Symptoms of poor bile flow: bloating; diarrhea; weight loss; abdominal pain; cramping)
(Remedies: Chew slowly; try choline; fermented food, e.g. non-cow kefir; bitters, e.g. vinegar, some greens, grapefruit, ginger, dark chocolate, coffee)
(Remedies: Beet tops, ginger, globe artichoke, lemon, dandelion, milk thistle, choline, turmeric, betaine, bile salts)
Following is a transcript of this video.
It's insane the amount of health problems that can come about as a direct result of your bile becoming too thick and sticky to flow correctly. Things like loose stools, acne, gallstones, nausea, weight gain, high blood pressure and a whole lot more. So in this video, I'm gonna share with you five steps you can take to help thin your bile so it can flow better. Let's jump in.
To review the most important aspects of proper bile flow, I'd like to remind people that when the liver filters toxins and junk out of the body, it puts that junk into our bile so that it can be sent out the back door with our stool. This is how the body takes out the trash. This is the most effective way to get the junk out. So if bile isn't flowing correctly, a lot of those toxins can accumulate and lead to issues like acne and other skin issues, nausea and high blood pressure. Once the liver puts this junk into the bile, the bile goes down to the gallbladder where it's stored and concentrated.
Now, once we properly acidify our food in the stomach, that acidic product leaves the stomach and that's when the gallbladder squirts bile down onto the acidic product (food) to help neutralize those acids and really break the food down. If the acids aren't neutralized when they leave the stomach, {{they can make duodenal ulcers and}} they can continue going through the intestinal tract in a big hurry, so that they don't damage the intestinal tract. The body can rush it through the system and that can create chronic diarrhea issues, or can make it very difficult for us to assimilate any of the nutrients in the food we're eating. But the real benefit that comes from this alkaline bile meeting the acid product from the stomach is, this actually creates a sizzle. The sizzle helps us really break the food apart so that we can access all the nutrients in that food. Without that sizzle, you can't access everything in the food that you're eating. So you really need the acid side of digestion working as well as the alkaline bile side working to get that sizzle action to really digest your food correctly. Without that, you end up with nutrient, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, which can lead to just about any type of health issue.
Beyond all these benefits, bile is also what we use to emulsify or break down our dietary fats. If we can't properly break down these fats, we can't access fat soluble vitamins. And also these undigested fats can turn toxic and lead to being a burden that the body has to figure out how to get rid of. This can lead to weight gain, acne, or other skin issues, or a whole lot of other problems. So you can see how important it is to make sure that bile is thin enough to the flow correctly, so it can do all the job that it's intended to do. The problem is there's a lot of things in this world that we live in now that can thicken up the bile and make it not flow correctly and this problem is very common.
Things like grains are very problematic for some people. Processed food: do you know anybody that eats any processed foods? It's evereywhere. It's all over the place. You can't hide. So these two things can be a really big problem. Another issue could be a low fat diet. Those were very popular in the 80s, and a lot of people are still stuck, thinking a low fat diet is the healthiest thing to do. When we don't eat enough fats, we're not calling on the bile to come down and help emulsify those fats. So the bile can sit there. And it gets a little more thick as it concentrates more in the gallbladder and it becomes too thick and sticky to move correctly. So this can be a big problem. Another issue can be high estrogen levels. And there's a lot of medications like some birth control and other medications that can really raise estrogen levels. And it really appears that estrogen, when it's high, has the ability to thicken the bile, so it won't flow correctly. Another problem is a catabolic imbalance that some people deal with at the cellular level. We teach people in our free four week digestion course how to look at their own physiology and just do simple self-tests at home with tools you can pick up at a pharmacy or a health food store. And we teach people how to figure out if they may be dealing with one of these catabolic imbalances and then steps they can take to improve it. But you can see there's a wide variety of issues that can make this a big problem for a lot of people. We're going to cover those. The steps that you can take to thin your bile.
But first let's look at some markers that may indicate that maybe you're having a problem. And then you might need to take some steps to thin that bile a little bit. Now keep in mind that most people are not going to experience all of these markers. You might be dealing with only one of these markers, but that could still be enough to indicate that it might be a problem. And then you could take some steps to improve the issue. The first marker we want to look at is a light colored stool, like if your stool is lighter than the color of corrugated cardboard. Bile is often what helps us make our stool a dark brown color. So when there's not enough bile flowing, we'll often see the stool a lighter color, or the color will vary and kind of go back and forth. So if that's an issue for you, that's a really strong indication that bile is not flowing well.
Another issue with your stool is it could be loose stools. Now when bile is not there to neutralize the acid leaving the stomach, those acids are too hot for the intestinal tract. The stomach is meant to hold those acids, but the intestinal tract is not. So if those acids are not neutralized by that bile coming down and and neutralizing them, then the body will bring them all the water that it can to the intestinal tract to cool off these acids. And then it'll rush it out the back door. So that's not a great situation. Plus, when the stool is moving that fast, it makes it very difficult for us to assimilate nutrients in the food we're eating. That's not great.
The next marker is nausea. Now remember that the bile is taking the toxins out the back door. So if the bile is not flowing, a lot of those toxins will get reabsorbed and then the system becomes very toxic and that can make a person feel very nauseous. Also, if they can't break down dietary fats correctly, that can also make them feel nauseous as those extra fats become toxic, when they're not properly broken down. So if you feel really lousy when you eat a meal high in fat, that can be a strong indication that bile is not flowing very well.
Another strong indication is acne or skin type issues, because when these toxins can't be taken out the back door through the bile, the body will try to push them out through the skin, and that can clog pores and create inflammation and acne in situations like that. If that's a problem for you, be sure to watch our "Is acne caused by digestive issues?" Video, that'll give you some more insights there.
The next two markers we teach you how to do in our free four week digestion course. We teach you how to look at your pH and if your saliva pH is 6.5 or lower, that's a strong indication that bile is not flowing. And we also show you how to get these 10 parameter urinalysis dipsticks that you can pick up on like Amazon. They're not very expensive. But you can check those dipsticks for bilirubin. If your bilirubin shows up on your urine dipstick, it's a strong sign that bile is not flowing correctly. Again, for that free course, we'll put the link down in the description so you can learn how to do those steps, if you really need to look at more markers. For some people, some of these other markers are just screaming, and it's very obvious that the bile is not flowing correctly and steps need to be taken.
So let's look at these steps, that we can take to help the bile, so that it can flow a little bit better. Now step #1, which happens to be the cheapest step, is to reduce the amount of grains and processed foods that you're consuming. You know why? “Why you gotta mess with what I'm eating? Why you gotta tell me what to do?” Well, because one of the best things you can do to help improve the situation is remove the issue that might be causing it. That doesn't mean you can never eat another processed food. I'm just saying do what you can to reduce any burdens that might be making the situation worse.
Now let's go on to the next one, which happens to be the easiest step that you can take and also the most effective. If you're just gonna reduce problematic foods, the process is gonna be a little bit slower and it's gonna take a little bit longer. But if we go to step #2, we can use some supplements that will speed things up a whole lot. Now, we like to use a product, Beet Flow from Empirical Labs, and we're not the manufacturers of this product and this is not a a paid promotion of this product. It just happens to be the thing that we have seen that works the best, and it's what we use with all of our clients. Now Beet Flow works really well because it has a lot of concentrated beet greens juice. Now beets don't really do a lot to help the bile. So don't just eat a bunch of beets and think that you're gonna fix the problem. And don't get beet root supplement because beetroot doesn't really do anything to thin the bile. You need the concentrated beet greens juice. Now, you could also eat beet greens, but if you want it to be as effective as using a supplement like Beet Flow, you're gonna have to have like a bucket of beet greens every day. You're gonna look like a horse, when you're eating. So that can be really problematic and a lot of work for people. So I find that people tend to just take the easier steps. So this is something that works very well and it's probably the most effective step that we see people do. At the end of this video I'll also tell you how to do what we call a beet flow flush, where we use this supplement to do a flush that can speed the whole process up a little bit.
But let's look at step number three first, which might not be your favorite, but it's a coffee enema, or coffee suppository. "Hey, nobody said anything about going up the back door. I'm trying to get stuff out the back door." People are not always super fond of sticking things up there, but a coffee enema or coffee suppository is really effective at a kind of dilating that biliary pathway and opening it up, so it makes it easier for the bile to move. So Beet Flow is really good at thinning the bile so it can move better, but a coffee suppository or a coffee enema is really good at dilating that pathway, so that it can move a little easier. Now if a coffee enema is a little too messy for you and a little too difficult to do, then the coffee suppositories are a lot easier and people seem to like that idea a little bit better. We'll put a link down in the description where you can find some coffee suppositories, that are are really easy to use.
Step #4 is a supplement called choline. Now choline is really great at fixing the bile so it can flow better, but only some people can use choline. You really don't wanna use choline if it's not right for your body chemistry. If you do, it can cause some oxygen utilization issues and some energy production problems and it's not going to be enjoyable for you. But in our free four week digestion course, we teach you how to run some self test to figure out if choline would really be very beneficial for you, or if it's something you need to avoid, and stick with some of these other steps.
Step #5 is lowering estrogen levels. If you're dealing with high estrogen issues, or maybe you're using on a medication that really raises ,So if you're on some type of birth control, it raises estrogen or some other medication, you can talk to your doctor about looking for alternatives, or reducing your dose, so that you can bring that estrogen level down a little bit. But this can be a big problem, because it's really hard to overpower really high estrogen levels, and a lot of the other steps. It may not be as effective, if you keep your estrogen levels high. So this is a big deal and something you really want to address, if this is a problem for you.
And let's talk about bonus Step 2, which is to increase the amount of dietary fat that you're consuming. Now, I wouldn't jump right into this one, because if you're having issues from eating dietary fats, like you're nauseous, or have acne or some kind of problem like that, then increasing your dietary fats could make it worse. But as you increase your fat, the body is calling on bile to be dropped down more to help emulsify all this fat. So if you can take some of these other steps to thin the bile, using Beet Flow, or choline, or removing some foods that are problematic, and you can get bile flowing and a little bit better, then you can start to increase your fats, and it might speed up the process a little bit.
Now for some people you may have had your bile backed up for years or decades, so you're not gonna take a couple supplements and fix everything. So you might need to get a little bit more aggressive. So one step that we like to see people do is a beet flow flush, using that Beet Flow supplement that we talked about. The absolute most effective step we see people do is a beef flow flush on one day and then use a Xeneplex coffee suppository on the following day. And then do that combo about once a week, until you see the bile improve. So that seems to really help the people who have a really stubborn case and a hard time getting that bile to flow.
And we teach you how to do all that stuff in the free four week digestion course. So go ahead and find that link in the description below. Sign up for that course, so that you can walk through, and we'll help you figure out if this is a problem for you, as well as the steps that might be most appropriate for you and your unique bile individuality. That's very important.