Gum disease
Hay fever
Head Lice
Hearing loss
High cholesterol
Huntington's disease
Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
Ingrown toenail
_Q) What do you think of getting rid of liver flukes in terms of doing liver flushes. Are they effective in that sense?
_A) I don't see where they would help _. In fact _ the term "liver flush" is rather misleading anyway. The oil causes contractions of the gallbladder, which is not the liver or a part of it.
_Q) I have wondered how to explain my sister's experience and the many different kinds of stones I myself have passed. If it was a reaction to the oil wouldn't they have all looked the same? how come they looked different in the same flush? And looked very different in different flushes? And I saw stones of many types in the same flush? I collected them in a colander used for that alone so I really saw what came out. And the results were favorable... meaning my sister got rid of her gallstones and my BMs turned from light tan to medium brown. What caused this?
_A) The first set of questions could be applied to if they were real gallstones as well. If they were real gallstones then why would they have been different colors when nearly all true gallstones are formed from precipitated cholesterol? The fact they are different colors lends more evidence that they are not really gallstones. Part of the answer is that these "flushes" produce these pseudo stones through two different mechanisms. One is through the reaction between the olive oil and the lemon juice or other citric acid sources. The second method is through the reaction of the sterols in the olive oil with the cholesterol in the intestines from food sources and bile. This partially explains the different looking pseudo stones produced by the "flushes". Also keep in mind that there are a number of impurities in the intestines from our diets that can get trapped in these pseudo stones also creating different colors. You are not going to have this in the gallbladder, again showing they are not coming from the gallbladder.
_One of the strongest pieces of evidence though that these pseudo stones are formed in the intestines is the size of some of these pseudo stones. If you look at the photos that some people post some of these pseudo stones are the size of a quarter or larger. The problem with this is that it is IMPOSSIBLE for something that large to pass through the bile ducts. Even with the magnesium to dilate the bile ducts the bile ducts can only dilate 2 to 3 millimeters. A quarter is about 25 millimeters across. As we can see it would be IMPOSSIBLE for a stone this big to pass regardless of what you use.
_Why the stool was changing from light tan to dark brown? Simple, the oil gets the bile moving instead of remaining stagnant. This does not mean that real stones are present or being passed. For the same reason the ingestion of a small amount of oil with meals can help prevent gallstone formation. Ingesting large amounts of oil increases the risk of lodging a stone in the bile ducts (if real stones are present), which requires emergency surgery.
_Q) So this means that there are some advantages of these liver flushes ... in terms of intestinal cleansing and bile flow?
_A) I emphasized "small" amounts of oil in my post. Not the large amounts used to contract the gallbladder. Again, strongly contracting the gallbladder increases the risk of lodging a stone in the bile ducts, which will require emergency surgery. In fact I think it is highly foolish to attempt "liver flushing". The risk of lodging a stone is too high, and the only thing that may happen is small gravel may be passed {from the gallbladder}. But helping to pass gravel and prevent its formation can be done safely with the ingestion of small amounts of oil with meals as I mentioned.
_Again, small amounts of oil (olive oil or coconut oil) with meals is good, since it helps to stimulate bile release so it will not become stagnant.
_The liver flushes involving the olive oil, lemon juice and magnesium sulfate do not flush out gallstones. The so called "stones" are an insoluble complex formed from a reaction between the sterols found in the olive oil and cholesterol from food or bile salts in the intestines. This is why these "stones" float instead of sinking like real gallstones. It is actually impossible to pass most real gallstones since they tend to be much larger than the bile ducts, even when dilated with the magnesium sulfate. It would be like trying to fit a golf ball through the eye of a needle.
_The reason people feel better after this "flush" is because the olive oil helps to stimulate the gallbladder so the bile is not stagnant. And bile stagnation is a common contributor to gallstone formation.
_If people really have gallstones then it is best to dissolve them rather than try to pass them. Trying to pass them can cause stones to lodge in the bile ducts, which requires emergency surgery.
_There are various things that increase the risk of gallstones including being overweight, estrogens, lack of fiber intake, bile deficiencies, hemolytic anemia, etc.
_The vast majority of gallstones are cholesterol based. The remainder being bilirubin based, which are known as "pigment stones".
_Cholesterol based stones are a result of more cholesterol in the bile than the bile can dissolve. So the excess cholesterol precipitates out leading to stone formation. Women are more prone to gallstone formation due to their hormones. Estrogen stimulates the release of cholesterol in to the gallbladder, while progesterone is a smooth muscle relaxant which increases stagnation of bile increasing stone formation.
_Bile itself is a fat emulsifier, and it is the high lecithin content (about 80% lecithin) that gives bile its emulsification properties. Therefore increasing bile helps to prevent and dissolve gallstones. Bile formation can be improved by getting plenty of fiber in the diet. Fiber also feeds the intestinal flora, which helps in a couple of manners. The increase B vitamin levels, which help the liver in its regulation of hormones that affect stone formation. The flora also break down hormone metabolites, which again reduces the hormones load on the body.
_Bitters also help. As bitter tasting herbs hit the bitter receptors of the tongue the vagus nerve is stimulated. This in turn kicks up stomach acidity, bile secretion, and pancreatic enzyme release. This is why these are often sold under the name digestive bitters. By product name they go under names such as Swedish Bitters and Grape Bitters. Bitters also stimulate the liver to flush, so it is very important to drink plenty of water throughout the day when using bitters. This flushing of the liver will also help with hormone regulation as the liver breaks down excess hormones including estrogen and progesterone.
_You only need to taste the bitters for them to work, so it only requires a small amount. I recommend a half dropper full on the tongue with meals.
_Lecithin granules will also help by providing a building block for the bile. Make sure to use the granules, not the softgels or liquids, which are highly diluted with soy oil. The granules provide more lecithin because they are deoiled concentrating the lecithin. Recommended dose is 1 tablespoon 3 times daily with meals.
_Finally, it is helpful to ingest SMALL amounts of good oils, like olive oil, with each meal to facilitate gallbladder contractions to prevent stagnation of the bile.
_My conclusion was that my production of bile needed to be increased so i added lecithin and more fish oil.
_You also need fiber to form bile salts. Rice bran or oat bran are good sources and will provide B vitamins that will also help with your hormones. Estrogen increases cholesterol in bile and progesterone prevents emptying, both leading to increased risk of gallstones. Bitters will also increase bile formation.
__GASTRITIS, GERD, (Heartburn), Also, see Acid Reflux
_Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining. Again the adrenals control the body's inflammation through the production and release of corticosteroids.
_GERD is caused from fermentation due to a lack of stomach acid. Cayenne pepper increases stomach acidity.
_Raising your stomach acid lets you absorb B vitamins and silica better. And these help the kidneys and adrenals. And B vitamins are needed by the liver to help it detox.
_There are a couple of things that I know of that will drop interocular pressure. Vitamin C sources will help. I prefer natural sources to the synthetics since they tend to be stronger and more stable. Good sources include berries, watercress, papaya, kiwis, rosehips, acerola cherry and amla.
_The other is coleus forskohlii. Traditionally the coleus forskohlii is made in to eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma. I am not sure if the already prepared eye drops are sold anywhere or not. It has been found that taking coleus forskohlii internally can help as well, although it is not as effective as the eye drops.
_Basically it would be making a water extract of the herb or powdered extract. ... Probably the easiest way to go would be to use a base of regular saline eye drops since this should already have a preservative.
_This is an autoimmune condition that leads to damage of the villi.
_My recommendations include vitamin C sources to build the adrenals. Natural is better than the synthetic stuff sold in stores. Natural sources include watercress, papaya, kiwis, berries, amla, and acerola cherry. Pantothenic acid is also important for the adrenals. The highest herbal source is bee pollen. Nutritional yeast, rice bran, seaweeds and nettle leaf are also good sources. Adaptogenic herbs will help support adrenal function as well. The best adaptogens are jiaogulan (Gynostemma), schisandra berry, Siberian ginseng, suma, astragalus, ashwagandha, and licorice root.
_Although not classified as adaptogens, nettle leaf, rosehips, and yucca root are also very supportive to the adrenals.
_Yucca root and licorice root are also excellent steroidal anti-inflammatories to help reduce intestinal inflammation. They also support the growth of the flora.
_Nettle leaf and seaweeds are nutrient rich to help promote healing. Dried comfrey root would also be a good choice for promoting healing if you can find it. It is hard to come by these days due to the FDA's claim of liver damage. Only the fresh root does this. The liver toxic alkaloids are very unstable and break down through oxidation in a couple of months after being dried. Comfrey is not for the endocrine glands, but rather it contains a high level of allantoin, which is a cellular stimulant. So it promotes healing of tissues. Just remember to dry the roots and age them for at least 2 months before using them. Clean the roots then slice them really thin to promote drying. You can then spread them out on some wax paper or a screen to dry.
_There is no cell in your body is as old as you are. Every cell in the body is replaced every 5 to 7 years. So the allantoin will also help with the regeneration of the cells from glands.
__D: GMO's
_Even certified GMO-free may not be GMO-free. The problem is that any farm can start with non-GMO seeds, but bees can carry pollen from GMO plants to non-GMO plants. This has been my biggest concern since once these genes start spreading there is no putting the genie back in the bottle.
_And this applies to more and more foods as they keep splicing genes in to more and more crops.
_The only way to change things is to kill the market for GMO foods. This is going to require that more than a few people stand up and refuse to buy GMO foods, but in so many cases it is not that obvious. Look at the Starlight corn fiasco. Much of this was in fast food products, something that people do not often associate with GMO.
_Pears, peaches, strawberries, peanuts, soy, sweet potatoes, radishes, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, peaches, spinach, flax seeds, pine nuts, brussels sprouts, kale, turnips, collards, mustard greens, rutabaga
_Fermentation and cooking both inactivate the goitrogens in soy. For example in these posts:
And one questioning if soy is actually goitrogenic in humans:
_Gout occurs when urate crystals accumulate in your joint, causing the inflammation and intense pain of a gout attack. Urate crystals can form when you have high levels of uric acid in your blood. Your body produces uric acid when it breaks down purines — substances that are found naturally in your body.
_Q. {Do vinegar or beer cause gout?}
_A. It is the purines in beer that {sometimes} cause the problem. Distilled vinegar is considered low in purines. Raw vinegar though will still contain the yeast used to make the vinegar and yeasts are high purine sources.
_Orthosilicic acid ... {such as from diatomaceous earth dissolved in water} can help repair the damage.
_{Drinking plenty of water} may help. But there are a lot more causes of gout than simply high purine diet or lack of water. Some other factors include alcohol intake, hypothyroidism, some medications, hemolytic anemia, etc.
_Seaweeds, like dulse, can aggravate gout. Seaweeds are considered high in purines.
_Hypothyroidism can contribute to increased {uric} acid levels. And dulse and other seaweeds can address some causes of hypothyroidism.
_Small amounts of dulse can still be ingested, but you need to counter the uric acid somehow such as more water and malic acid.
_Nettle leaf, juniper berry, celery seed, and avoiding alcohol can also help with keeping uric acid levels down.
_Fructose consumption does increase uric acid levels. {Sugar, honey etc are half fructose.}
_Chocolate also raises uric acid due to its xanthines like caffeine.
_The malic acid in magnesium malate tablets will also dissolve uric acid.
_You can also soak your feet in as hot of water as you can stand to help dissolve the crystals.
_Q. Would it make it better and more effective if I add epsom salt to the water? I see some sites recommending this.
_A. It really does not matter. It is the heat that increases the solubility of the uric acid.
_Q. {Can} lemon + baking soda, {which} is very alkalizing, help to counter the uric acid....?
_A. Not really. First of all the mixture would create sodium citrate, so there would not be free bicarbonate for alkalinizing.
_Even if you took the baking soda straight, the baking soda would be neutralized by ... stomach acid, forming sodium chloride. And the neutralization of stomach acid would lead to all sort of other problems, from nutrient deficiencies to infections. If you took an excess of baking soda, then some would get in to the bloodstream acting to neutralize some of the uric acid, but you still run in to the problems that a lack of stomach acid would present.
_Lemon juice itself is not alkaline. It stimulates an alkaline response in the body by stimulating the release of bicarbonate in to the bloodstream. On the other hand lemon juice does contain some malic acid, which dissolves uric acid. So the lemon juice in water is good, but I would leave out the baking soda.
_Tart cherries do help with gout, but not from the anthocyanins. Tart cherries are high in malic acid, which dissolves uric acid.
_Anthocyanins though are anti-inflammatory and can help control the pain of gout.
_Malic acid will dissolve uric acid, so it can help control gout. It does not address the base causes of gout. There are a number of things that can cause gout such as certain medications, high purine intake, use of alcohol, hypothyroidism, etc.
_Gout can involve a lot more than simply high protein or purine intake. It can also be from alcohol intake, hemolytic anemia, certain medications, hypothyroidism, etc.
_Normal labs will rule out a number of causes. And not drinking and not taking medications rule these causes out. But this still leaves a number of potential causes so it could take a lot of testing to narrow it down further. Since hypothyroidism can cause this and hypothyroidism is pretty common I recommend starting by checking your basal body temperature. A consistently low temp combined with other hypothyroid symptoms can indicate a low thyroid. Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating a low purine and uric acid diet.
_Sweet smelling urine is a sign of uncontrolled diabetes. [A] metallic smell could [come] from traces of blood in the urine from kidney damage due to diabetes.
_A burnt rubber smell could be a few things. Kidney disease or urinary tract infection would be the most likely culprits if pretty consistent.
_Blood in the urine can also develop from diabetes due to insulin damage to the kidneys.
_Lots of bubbles in the urine can indicate protein in the urine. Combined with the metallic smell I would suspect blood in the urine due to damage to the kidney's nephrons.
_Medications that can cause gout are: Diuretics, chemotherapy drugs, immune suppressants, levadopa and antibiotics. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can damage the kidneys contributing to gout. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, celecoxib, naproxen, etc.
_It is well known that the adverse effects of liver and kidney failure by NSAIDs is due to impeded blood flow to these organs due to ... constiction of the blood vessels. Other organs, such as the heart, as well as glands are adversely affected by the impeded blood flow in the same manner. ... These [NSAID] drugs include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), naproxen, (Aleve), aspirin, rofecoxib (Vioxx), and celecoxib (Celebrex).
_Some metals can cause kidney damage such as elemental germanium, but high blood pressure, diabetes and high protein intake and a lack of water intake are the most common causes for kidney damage.
_Kidney dysfunction is not the only cause of gout. And the kidneys are not the only source of urate elimination from the body. Urate is also excreted through the intestine and through sweat.
_[Drink water with minerals.]
_Vitamin C may help prevent gout.
_Herbs that are especially good for the kidneys are: In particular the nettle leaf and licorice root. If you want more kidney support then I recommend adding some schisandra berry. Schisandra also contains malic acid, which dissolves uric acid. (Frankincense though is a resin and resins are hard on the kidneys if used for long periods of time.)
_[Good food sources of malic acid are Fruits:
apples, watermelon, bananas, cherries, apricots, cranberries, peaches, plums, tomatoes, pears, pineapple, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, grapes, kiwi, lychees, mango, nectarines, oranges, peaches, pears and strawberries;
- and Vegetables: broccoli, beans, carrots, peas, potatoes, tomatoes and rhubarb.]
_Licorice supports the liver, kidneys, reduces inflammation and boosts immunity.
_Licorice in large or chronic doses may also be harmful for people who have diabetes or kidney disease. Large quantities of licorice can increase hypertension and excitability as well.
_Vitamin C is the most important. Using powders that stimulate tissue regeneration on your toothpaste can also help. Good choices are plantain leaf, comfrey root or gotu kola.
_Get some pau d' arco powder, some sage leaf (cooking sage) powder, and a little stevia powder or xylitol. Mix them together then put a large pinch on your toothpaste when you brush. All of the ingredients will help kill the damaging bacteria in the mouth, and sage leaf helps to whiten the teeth [and remove plaque, I think - LK].
_[That] simple tooth powder that will help to kill the bacteria contributing to the problem.
_Use [it] frequently throughout the day to keep the bacteria down.
_A couple of other things that can help include chewing on xylitol gum frequently, or sucking on zinc tablets. Zinc tablets don't taste very good but you get used to the taste. The zinc helps to kill the bacteria, freshen the breath and promotes healing of the gums. If you can find 10mg tablets these would be the best since this will allow you to such on them several times daily without going overboard on dosage.
_The gums should gradually grow back.
_One last thing is to drink water throughout the day. Not water containing drinks, but actual water. A dry mouth contributes to bacterial build up and damage.
_X: I have been using hydrogen peroxide based mouth rinses [OR baking soda & water] after I brush my teeth. Is this a good idea? What about the mint/alcohol based mouthwashes, are they better?
_Peroxide is bad for a few reasons. First of all it is hard on the tooth enamel. In actuality it is probably not the actual peroxide that causes the damage but rather the acids used to stabilize the peroxide. Peroxide is unstable, especially in an alkaline environment. So acidic substances are added to the 3% peroxide to stabilize them. Common acidifiers include phosphoric acid and sodium thiosulfate.
_A second problem with peroxide is that it can also kill off beneficial bacteria in the mouth. Over time this can cause overgrowth of other bacteria and fungi leading to a condition known as "hairy tongue".
_The standard mouthwashes out there are not much better. There have been studies showing that alcohol based mouthwashes can increase the risk of oral cancer. It is thought that the alcohol may aid in the absorption of carcinogens. And ingredients such as alcohol can actually contribute to bad breath.
_One option to get around this is to chew xylitol gum. The xylitol is an excellent antiseptic and the chewing stimulates saliva, which washes bacteria off the teeth and reduces bad breath from dry mouth.
_Another option is to suck on a little zinc from a tablet. Zinc does not taste very good, but it makes a great, long lasting breath freshener. And you get the added health benefits zinc offers.
_Baking soda is actually hard on the enamel as well. Mixed with hydrogen peroxide the baking soda will decompose the peroxide releasing the oxygen that [otherwise] kills the bacteria and "bleaches" the teeth.
_A simple thing you can do is to get some pau d' arco powder, some sage leaf (cooking sage) powder, and a little stevia powder or xylitol. Mix them together then put a large pinch on your toothpaste when you brush. All of the ingredients will help kill the damaging bacteria in the mouth, and sage leaf helps to whiten the teeth [and remove plaque, I think - LK].
_Zinc tablets don't taste very good but you get used to the taste. The zinc helps to kill the bacteria, freshen the breath and promotes healing of the gums. If you can find 10mg tablets these would be the best since this will allow you to such on them several times daily without going overboard on dosage.
_Magnesium & herbs are good for Blood Pressure and also Headaches etc.
_Here's what James Sloane says for Headaches:
_Migraines start when the blood vessels around the brain constrict tightly, then rebound vasodilate, leading to inflammation.
_There can be multiple triggers including dietary amines {protein}, allergies, hormones, bright lights, etc. So anyone suffering from migraines should keep a migraine log to look for the {cause}. Anytime a migraine occurs list whatever was eaten, or drunk, what you were exposed to (fumes, pollen, etc.), ... bright lights, etc.
_The best supplements for migraines are magnesium, kudzu, and coleus forskohlii. Magnesium deficiencies are common and can lead to a host of problems, including frequent migraines. Calcium causes blood vessels to contract, leading to the initial constriction. Magnesium is a calcium antagonist, and relaxes blood vessels to help prevent the initial vasoconstriction. For this reason the magnesium should be taken by itself, not with any calcium. This includes with foods that may contain calcium. Recommended dose is 300mg of magnesium malate twice daily, morning and afternoon, at least 30 minutes before ingesting any calcium sources. If you take a calcium/magnesium supplement this is best taken at night before bed. If you cannot find magnesium malate then magnesium citrate is my second choice. Avoid magnesium oxide since it is poorly absorbed and it burns the intestinal wall leading to inflammation and diarrhea.
_Kudzu and coleus forskohlii are both vasodilators to help prevent the initial vasoconstriction. Recommended dose is 2 capsules of either herb 3 times daily before meals, and in addition at the first signs of an impending migraine. Kudzu is preferred if there are hormonal imbalances. Forskohlii though is an excellent anti-inflammatory since it blocks both inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
_PS, rice bran and soybeans are pretty good sources of Magnesium too.
_He also says: Remember to drink plenty of spring water throughout the day to help flush excess salts out of the body and to keep the kidneys healthy.
_Various things can trigger migraines. In foods the most common trigger is amines.
_Elevated calcium can cause muscle cramps/spasms, high blood pressure, tension headaches or migraines, etc. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant, which is why it is used to treat these problems caused by calcium.
_Gynostemma/Jiaogulan is good for: chronic headache, constipation, coronary heart disease, diabetes, gastritis, gum inflammation, hemorrhoids, hypertension, obesity.
_For Pain or Inflammation, try Arnica cream topically, or Licorice root, Yucca root, Ashwagandha, Magnesium malate regularly, Kudzu root, Fish oil. For emergency try Passion flower, Kava, Catnip, Scullcap, or Wood betony.
_X: Ashwagandha helps my headaches and joint pain, but seems to give a flammatory reaction in my wierd. I get a similar reaction with devil's claw. Just don't get it. I am using the brand himalaya.
_JS: The ashwagandha really should not have that problem. I suspect that it is likely one of the additives such as the calcium phosphate or magnesium stearate. If you can I recommend trying straight ashwagandha powder to see if this solves the problem If so then it is more likely the additives.
_Mostly I resort to advil when I [get] headaches or menstrual cramping, for which I know there are other remedies, but in conjunction when those other remedies just aren't enough.
_JS: Ashwagandha would be a really good choice. It not only supports the adrenals, but it also raises GABA levels to calm the mind.
_But a better choice as a general pain killer would be magnesium malate for the menstrual cramps and if the headaches are migraines. But it should be taken on a more regular basis, not just when the pain starts. Kudzu root is also a very good choice.
_JS: A displacement in the neck can cause {} headaches and balance problems.
_**Dr. Axe: -
_Try Lavender & Peppermint Oils for Muscle Pain & Headache Relief
_One of the benefits of peppermint oil involves its natural painkiller and muscle-relaxant properties. It’s even been shown to help alleviate fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome.
_For natural headache relief, two essential oils team up for natural pain relief. Peppermint oil improves circulation and lavender reduces muscle tension — two ways to quickly stop a headache in its tracks. Try placing a few drops of peppermint or lavender oil into your hands and then rubbing the blend on your forehead, temples and back of neck. You can also dilute a few drops down by mixing the essential oils with almond, grapeseed or coconut oil.
_This short video shows acupressure points to rub for headaches:
....... Brain-Tonic, Intestinal-#1, Intestinal-#2, Cayenne Tincture &/or Cayenne Powder
...(DEVOUR) 1 Tsp Aluminum-Free Baking Soda + 1 C Water For Back Base Of Skull Pain
...(&/or) 2 Tsp Cider Vinegar + 1 C Water For Temple Area Pain
...(&/or) Grapes, Brewers Yeast, Green Leafy Vegs, Tomatoes, Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Liver, Fish, Magnesium
...(&/or) Carrot, Spinach, Beet & Cucumber Juice
...(&/or) Fast On Orange, Carrot, Celery &/or Cucumber Juice And Water 2-3 Days
...(&/or) Fruit Only For 2-3 Days After Juice Fast & Monthly
...(&/or) See Proper Diet
...(&/or) Avoid Refined Carbs, Sugar, Sweets, Fried, Tinned, Processed Foods, Chewing Gum, Aspartame - See Proper Diet
...(&/or) More Small Meals & More Water Between Meals
...(APPLY) Crushed Cabbage Leaf Compress
...(&/or) Lemon White Peel Paste On Forehead
...(&/or) Warm-Water Enema During Juice Fast
...(&/or) Hot Foot Bath, Hot Wet Towels On Stomach, Back & Neck, Cold Compress On Pain
...(&/or) Exercise & Fresh-Air Walking
...(&/or) Primrose Oil
...(&/or) Nuerofeedback
...(&/or) Rest, Sleep Well, Avoid Overwork, Loud Sound & Intense Light
Top 5 Worst Internet Health Information Sites:
Part 1.
Part 2. The most dangerous sites on Curezone are the Ask Moreless forum, the Liver Flush Support forum, the Cancer Support forum, the Alkaline/Acid Support forum and the most dangerous, the Iodine Supplementation Support Forum by VWT Team.
**Here’s a recent video: What if WATER, not cholesterol, holds the key to heart disease?
_This doctor thought he was healthy, but he suffered a heart attack. So he did research on heart health and found that the key is healthy water. Sunlight or infrared light shining on a container of water causes the water near the container walls to charge negative, and the water there is purified. This area next to the walls is called the Exclusion Zone, because it excludes contaminated water. I call it the Ex-Zone. In our blood vessels there's also an Ex-Zone at the vessel walls. Most of Earth's surface contains extra electrons of negative charge, which can replenish the Ex-Zone electrons in our blood vessels just by touching the Earth or plants or metal rods or other conductors connected with the Earth. The Ex-Zone also covers the surfaces of our blood cells and other blood constituents and they also need to be kept charged. Ex-Zone water: protects blood vessel walls from damage; keeps blood flowing; and prevents internal clotting. Two steps should be taken to maintain health: 1. build Ex-Zone water in the body; 2. avoid Ex-Zone water damaging events, such as: excess glucose; oxidized fats (unsaturated fats); heavy metals; infection; fluctuating blood sugar; endotoxemia; smoking and air pollution; advanced glycation end-products; bisphenol-A; psychological stress; insulin resistance.
_To build Ex-Zone water: drink good water (spring water, glacial melt-water, vortexed water, or toxin-free water); avoid toxins (glyphosate in grains etc, plastics, heavy metals); avoid non-native electromagnetic fields; follow cycadian rhythm (sleep from 10PM to 6AM); devour good fats, i.e. saturated fats; do earthing, i.e. grounding; get infrared light exposure from morning or evening sunlight or infrared sauna etc; exercise to the point of sweating; get cold exposure; have loving relationships and gratitude. The doctor showed his improved blood stats after following some of these guidelines.
_SLOANE’S ADVICE: Arterial plaque is an accumulation of calcified fatty acids on the arterial wall. Trauma to the arterial lining leads to an inflammatory condition on the artery wall. The body responds by laying down plaque as kind of a patchwork. Trauma to the artery may occur for various reasons, such as high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, and bypasses. Bypasses are performed by cutting out a vein from the leg. The vein is not only cut out, it is also handled, trimmed, and sewn in to its new position. This massive amount of trauma to the vein used for the bypass inflames the blood vessel, and quickly leads to plaque formation and failure of the bypass. This explains why the original blood vessel occlusion from plaque takes many decades to build up, but bypasses generally fail within 2 to 5 years.
_The easiest way to clean plaque out of the arteries is with the … lecithin. Lecithin is a fat emulsifier. In other words the lecithin helps to dissolve the fats in the arterial plaque so these fats will not adhere to blood vessel walls, and will be flushed from the body. I recommend lecithin granules over the liquid or pills. The recommended dosage is 1 tablespoon of the granules 3 times a day with each meal. They can be sprinkled over food or blended in juice or a shake.
_Magnesium helps reduce the risk of heart disease by helping to remove arterial plaque, and by lowering blood pressure. Magnesium helps to remove arterial plaque by displacing the calcium in the plaque. This softens the plaque and makes it easier for the body to remove the plaque. Magnesium lowers blood pressure by acting similar to a calcium channel blocker. By pushing calcium out of the nerve synapse, blood vessels relax lowering the blood pressure and increasing blood flow to the heart muscle allowing it to work more efficiently.
_Magnesium may also help prevent diabetic related heart disease. This action is due to magnesium's role in helping to regulate blood sugar levels, and by helping prevent damage to blood vessels due to the strong blood vessel constricting effects of insulin. Most of the serious side effects of diabetes are due to rupturing of blood vessels, or blood vessel damage, due to elevated levels of insulin in the blood. These side effects include diabetic retinopathy (loss of vision), renal (kidney) failure, gangrene, and heart disease.
_Silica assists in preventing plaque formation in the arteries by strengthening blood vessel walls to prevent damage, and by acting as a mild anti-inflammatory. Tissue levels of silica decline as we age due to decreases in stomach acid. Therefore to ensure proper silica absorption avoid the use of antacids and acid blockers. Taking silica with an acid source, such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid from citrus fruits, or acetic acid (vinegar) will aid in the absorption of the silica. Silica is found in fibers, diatomaceous earth, and herbs including bamboo, couch grass, and horsetail grass.
_Other herbs that help with removing arterial plaque are hawthorn and violets. The flowers of hawthorn are the strongest part of the plant, though the leaves and berries are also effective. A combination of all three is the best. Hawthorn also aids in lowering blood pressure, and strengthens the heart muscle. The berries contain bioflavonoids that help stabilize blood vessel walls. Violets, or pansies, are an old time favorite for treating heart disease, which is why they are also referred to as heart ease. The plants not only remove arterial plaque, but they also contain a natural form of aspirin to help thin the blood.
_Vitamin C helps with the prevention of heart disease by strengthening blood vessel walls. There were reports that vitamin C increased the risk of heart disease, though this came about from a misinterpretation of the actual study. The study found that vitamin C increase the thickness of arterial walls, and therefore someone improperly concluded that this narrowing increased the risk of a heart attack. The fact is that vitamin C, along with other nutrients, such as silica and sulfur, help to maintain the integrity of the arterial wall through the production of the proteins collagen and elastin, which give tissues their strength and elasticity. Without sufficient levels of these compounds in the tissues the blood vessels become more prone to damage, inflammation, plaque formation, and aneurysm. The best source of vitamin C is amla berries (Indian gooseberry). The berries are stronger and more stable than synthetic vitamin C, and it contains bioflavonoids that make the vitamin C work more efficiently. In addition amla berries significantly raise levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps to reduce the inflammatory process that leads to arterial plaque formation.
_Congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs when the heart muscle fails to contract efficiently enough to pump the blood through the body properly. Treatment of CHF is primarily directed towards strengthening the heart muscle. This is generally done with cardiac glycosides, derived from plants, such as digitalis derivatives from foxglove. Though cardiac glycosides can be very dangerous, because they not only slow the heart muscle, … they may also lower blood pressure drastically. Cardiac glycosides can vary considerably in strength. For instance, digoxin from digitalis, and nerine and oleandrin from oleander are extremely dangerous to use. By contrast, the cardiac glycosides from lily of the valley and night blooming cereus (cactus grandiflorus) are much weaker and are generally safe when used properly. Even so, I highly recommend not using any cardiac glycosides without supervision by a doctor or herbalist knowledgeable on their use.
_The herb coleus forskohlii, or forskohlii, has the same effect as cardiac glycosides, though it does not contain these compounds. Forskohlii contains an alkaloid, called forskohlin, which elevates levels of a cellular regulator, known as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Like cardiac glycosides, cAMP slows the heart muscle and strengthens heart contractions. It also stimulates the production of another substance, known as nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels that in turn lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow to the heart. Forskohlii also helps to regulate the thyroid, which affects heart rate. And forskohlii has a stimulating effect on the pancreas, making it useful for some forms of diabetes, which can affect heart health.
_Since blood clots can lead to heart attacks, it is often recommended that an aspirin be taken daily to thin the blood if a person is prone to heart disease, and is not already on blood thinners, such as coumadin. Herbs that thin the blood include white willow, ginger, vanilla, ginkgo biloba, dong quai, lomatium, sweet clover, and red clover. The herb dan shen (salvia root) is used in Chinese medicine to actually dissolve blood clots.
_Elevated blood sugar can increase the risk of heart disease due to insulin increases and elevation of triglycerides, therefore it is important to maintain proper blood sugar levels. Increasing chromium, and vanadium (vanadyl sulfate) intake are the easiest ways to maintain proper sugar levels. I recommend 200mcg of chromium polynicotinate (not picolinate) 3 times a day with meals. Polynicotinate is a niacin bound chromium, so it also helps maintain proper cholesterol levels. It is also 300 times stronger than chromium picolinate. Vanadyl sulfate functions like a natural insulin taking sugar out of the blood stream. Insulin is dependant on insulin receptors to carry sugar out of the blood. Though nearly all diabetics are type 2 diabetics, who produce plenty, and often too much insulin because their insulin receptors are either closed or missing so the available insulin cannot remove the sugar from the blood. Since vanadyl sulfate is not dependant on these insulin receptors, it can still remove sugar from the blood of type 2 diabetics. Vanadyl sulfate also has the ability to open closed insulin receptors as it carries the sugar out of the blood. The recommended dose of vanadyl sulfate is 50mg 3 times daily with meals.
_Cholesterol levels do not indicate the risk of heart disease. A person can have low cholesterol and still develop heart disease, where a person with high cholesterol may have no plaque build up. As mentioned before the plaque starts from trauma to the artery, not from high levels of cholesterol in the blood. So even if a person has high cholesterol, if there is no trauma to the arterial lining plaque will not form on the artery. Even so, it is still a good idea to keep your cholesterol levels to a reasonable level since we cannot determine if we have arterial damage or not. My favorite method of reducing cholesterol is with digestive bitters and lecithin granules, as explained earlier. Digestive bitters are bitter tasting herbs that cleanse the liver and stimulate the secretion of digestive secretions. Bitters are put on the tongue and swallowed. When swallowed they stimulate the bitter receptors on the back of the tongue. This in turn stimulates a nerve, called the vagus nerve, which in turn stimulates flushing of the liver allowing the liver to work more efficiently. This is important because the liver not only produces cholesterol, for hormone and vitamin synthesis, but it also is responsible for breaking down excess cholesterol in the blood. This is one of the reasons I am so against pharmaceutical statin drugs, used to lower cholesterol. These drugs are well known for causing liver damage, which when damaged will raise cholesterol levels excessively high. Red yeast rice is a good alternative to statin drugs, to lower cholesterol.
_Soluble fibers also lower cholesterol. These are found in fruits, especially apples, and vegetables. Oatmeal, rice bran, and guar gum are also sources for soluble fibers.
_Elevated homocysteine levels are believed to play a role in heart disease, though it is not clear how it contributes to heart disease. Homocysteine can be reduced though with SAMe or trimethylglycine (TMG). Personally I prefer TMG, which is a stronger methyl donor than SAMe, and TMG is considerably less expensive.
*Cactus grandiflorus (night blooming cereus)-Cactus grandiflorus is a very weak cardiac glycoside source. Cardiac glycosides slow the heart rate, increase contractile force and dilate blood vessels. Therefore cardiac glycosides are used to improve heart function, especially in cases of congestive heart failure, and to lower blood pressure.
*Lily of the valley. This is a slightly stronger cardiac glycoside source.
*Coleus forskohlii (aka forskohlii). Coleus forskohlii is also a weak source of cardiac glycosides. Forskohlii also elevates levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which is an extremely important chemical messenger for the body. Among its many effects, cAMP acts as an antihistamine, which reduces the release of blood vessel constricting epinephrine during exposure to allergens.
*Combining nettle leaf with forskohlii will prolong the effects of the forskohlii.
_For congestive heart failure herbs such as coleus forskohlii or cactus grandiflorus are good.
Coleus I prefer in powder form and taken with nettle leaf to prolong the effects. For example, a 2:1 ratio of coleus to nettle leaf with a recommended dose of 1/2 teaspoon 3 times daily before meals. If this is not strong enough to reduce the water retention then the mix can be taken 4 times daily.
Cactus grandiflorus you will only find in a tincture, and it is hard to find. Directions will be on the bottle. Different tinctures can have different strengths so you pretty much have to follow their instructions. But taking the tincture under the tongue will facilitate the absorption.
_There was an improved quality of life in a study of 64 chronic heart-failure patients at a dose of 3-4g of cordyceps.
_Here's a source for the coleus
_And for the nettle leaf
_And for cordyceps
_And for cactus grandiflorus
_--Out of nowhere I started to experience pain in the center of my right heel. It hurts if I put any pressure on it. I've discovered it could be a bone spur and/or Plantar Fasciitis.
_Plantar fasciitis can lead to bone spurs, but from what you have said so far I would lean towards plantar fasciitis. I recommend some rest, make sure your arches are supported, use orthotics if necessary, vitamin C and silica sources to strengthen the fascia, gelatin is also good and licorice root and yucca root for the inflammation. These can also help if there is a spur.
_--I recall having a sore heel in the past that just went away. This seems to be sticking around so I'm wondering if you have any remedies that could help? BTW, I was using my rebounder daily. I think that may have something to do with it.
_It could have. You could have pulled on the connective tissue too much causing the irritation and inflammation.
_Since it is more in the heel and you do have flat feet I would say more likely to be a bone spur rather than gout or peripheral neuropathy.
_Bone is a piezoelectric material. Therefore when it is exposed to stresses the bone will generate electrical currents that electrodeposit the minerals in to the collagen matrix of the bone. When one are is constantly stressed the bone growth is stimulated at that point. So how does this apply? When your foot arch goes flat it pulls the plantar fascia tight. Since this is connected to the back of the heel this causes a tugging on the back of the heel when you walk. As it tugs the piezoelectric effects starts to produce excess bone at that connection point. This is the spur. And this spur can cause a lot of pain when you walk.
_I don't know much about the master cleanse, but from what I recall it uses cayenne pepper. Cayenne is a pain reliever due to both its stimulation of substance P, and because it is nature's highest level of natural aspirin. So I think the cayenne has more to do with it than the lemons.
_I doubt if colon problems are contributing. Were you more active when in Mexico, maybe walking a lot more down there?
_Caffeine can definitely lead to increased inflammation.
_My recommendations to try are to get orthotics for the arch support, and use the silica and vitamin C to strengthen the plantar fascia and to reduce inflammation. If it is a spur, and you take the pressure off the bone the body will eventually reabsorb the minerals from the spur.
_Strengthening the blood vessels for the sole purpose of reducing the risk of bleeding in the first place would not be a bad idea.
_Herbs high in silica and vitamin C would be the most effective.
_For silica I recommend diatomaceous earth, bamboo stalk, oatstraw, couch grass, nettle leaf or seaweeds.
_For vitamin C rosehips, acerola cherry, amla or foods such as peppers, kiwis, papaya or berries.
_Something that they can try that may or may not help is to focus on strengthening the hypothalamus and pituitary. The reasoning is that the drug Desmopressin is used to help treat hemophilia by stimulating the release of factor VIII. Desmopressin is a synthetic version of arginine vasopressin (AV) produced by the hypothalamus and stored and released by the pituitary.
_Maybe supporting the hypothalamus and pituitary will help him increase his own AV.
_Herbs that will support these glands include alfalfa and parsley leaf. Periwinkle (Vinca minor) also helps increase function of parts of the brain by increasing ATP. Periwinkle is normally hemostatic as well, but I don't know if this effect will still occur in the absence of clotting factors, but it needs to be combined with moisture retentive herbs to prevent intestinal drying.
_The best way to lower blood pressure will depend on the cause. For example high serum calcium can raise blood pressure due to the muscles contracting nature of calcium. Blood vessels are also muscles. The reason calcium channel blockers are frequently used to lower blood pressure is that they block calcium from contracting the blood vessels. Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker.
_Diabetes is another common cause of high blood pressure as elevated insulin has a strong blood vessel contracting effect.
_Angiotensin can contract blood vessels causing high blood pressure.
_Sodium retention can cause high blood pressure due to water retention. This is common with the use of steroids like Prednisone, but only affects about 10% of the population otherwise.
_Potassium deficiencies can lead to high blood pressure due to sodium retention. Again steroids can cause this effect. So can berberine herbs like goldenseal, barberry, Oregon grape root and coptis, also known as goldthread. Licorice root can also cause it when used in very high doses for many months.
_The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin) can cause blood vessels to constrict due to prostaglandin inhibition.
_Stress, including pain, can cause elevated levels of epinephrine, which constricts blood vessels while speeding up the heart rate. This is temporary though unless there is a rare adrenal tumor, which will cause very high blood pressure and pulse.
_Arteriosclerosis can lead to high blood pressure due to narrowing of the arteries.
_Smoking can raise blood pressure due to the blood vessel constricting effect of nicotine. Horsetail grass (shavegrass) also contains nicotine and constricts blood vessels.
_Some people get a rise in blood pressure when they visit the doctor. This is known as white coat syndrome. This is why it is so important to get multiple readings, especially at home, to get a better average and to make sure that chronic high blood pressure really exists.
_Here are a few options:
_Magnesium malate or citrate are natural calcium channel blockers and therefore relax blood vessels lowering blood pressure.
_Sterols relax blood vessels. Yucca root is a great sterol source. Jiaogulan is also sterol rich and also helps to act as a beta blocker.
_Ashwagandha acts as a natural ACE inhibitor and beta blocker.
_Coleus forskohlii has the same effects as cardiac glycosides (lowers blood pressure, and slows and strengthens heart contractions).
_Kudzu and bamboo stalk both relax blood vessels.
_Potassium is a natural diuretic and lowers blood pressure by displacing sodium and eliminating excess water.
>Silica, vitamin C {from herbs, or food} with butcher’s broom extract
>Horse chestnut extract, internally and externally
>Ginkgo biloba extract
>gotu kola
>witch hazel {topically}
_Hemorrhoids are actually varicose veins. They can occur from straining during bowel movements or heavy lifting and are common during pregnancy. They can also occur from blockage of the portal vein of the liver leading to back-up pressure in the pelvic region. Varicose veins are not caused by relaxation of the veins but rather a loss of elasticity. The veins lose their elasticity and the veins stretch out and stay stretched out, called varicosing. Normal, healthy veins will relax and contract as needed, controlling blood flow. Loss of elasticity in the vein walls can be from damage by pressure or lack of certain nutrients, especially silica, vitamin C and bioflavonoids. If the hemorrhoids are bleeding, acidity may cause some temporary burning, but again it will not make the hemorrhoids worse.
_First thing I recommend is to make sure you are staying hydrated. People too often do not drink enough water, or falsely think that drinks like soda or coffee constitute water. These are not {enough} water, and they contribute to dehydration. So make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Also make sure that you are getting plenty of fiber in your diet. Fruits and vegetables are the best choice, and flax seed, rice bran and oat bran are good. I don't like psyllium. It causes bloating in a lot of people and there is concern that it can be very sharp in the intestines causing cuts in the wall. If the stool is hard causing straining during bowel movements then seaweeds, {chia seed}, flax seed, slippery elm, or marshmallow root can be used to hold moisture in the intestines to soften the stool. {Chia,} Flax, slippery elm and marshmallow root also form a slick mucilage again making bowel movements easier.
_Silica and vitamin C help to strengthen vein walls and improve elasticity to help prevent varicosing. Again fibers provide silica. Fruits and vegetables provide vitamin C. Chili peppers are great sources of vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which help promote collagen and elastin formation. Collagen strengthens the blood vessels while elastin gives them elasticity. Sufficient levels of both in the veins help prevent the veins from varicosing. Most of cayenne's blood pressure regulating effects actually stem from the support of the adrenals by cayenne. The adrenal glands regulate blood pressure by the excretion or blockage of epinephrine release and by regulation of water balance in the body.
_Maintain your flora with probiotics, like kefir, and prebiotics, such as fibers. A lack of flora contributes to constipation.
_Since low thyroid also contributes to constipation it is a good idea to do your basal body temperature to make sure this is not a contributing problem.
_And bitters will cleanse the liver taking pressure off the portal vein. Again remember to drink a lot of water throughout the day when using bitters.
_As for diet, it should be mainly vegetables, and some fruit. Meats are OK in moderation. Dairy is best avoided. And don't forget water.
_If you are taking iron supplements these can also cause constipation, which increases straining during bowel movements. So if you need iron look for plant sources such as nettle leaf or yellow dock, which don't cause the constipation.
_Opiate pain killers are also notorious for causing constipation leading to hemorrhoids. DL-phenylalanine can be used to raise dopamine, which is the bodies natural pain killer. It takes a couple of weeks to kick in, but it has long lasting pain relieving effects. It can also be used to help get people off of opiate pain killers. The reason the opiates get addictive is because they shut down the body's own production of pain killers, in particular dopamine. Therefore, … phenylalanine can help people wean off of narcotic pain killers by helping with the body's own production of dopamine. It is best to allow it to build up before trying to wean off of pain killers.
_Studies have not shown the same pain relieving effects from tyrosine as DLPA has shown. It could have something to do with the combination of both right handed and left handed molecules. Yes, blood pressure rises are a concern, which is why I try to go with tyrosine whenever possible, such as for vision or thyroid function. Although phenylalanine can raise blood pressure this is VERY rare…. In someone with very high blood pressure though it would be best avoided, until the blood pressure is under control. There are all sorts of ways to drop blood pressure. The best choice though will depend on the cause.
_If the portal vein gets congested then fluids can accumulate in the pelvic region. This in turn puts a lot more pressure on the veins in the pelvic region, causing them to stretch and balloon out. Bitters will help keep the liver cleansed, so it and the portal vein do not become congested. Liver disorders do not completely block the metabolism of phenylalanine. It only suppresses it somewhat, cirrhosis having the most suppressive action. Since tyrosine is not as effective as DLPA for pain I would still use the DLPA as my primary pain killer. You could take tyrosine along with it for a little extra pain relief to compensate for any phenylalanine not metabolized.
_Generally peanuts are suppose to help with hemorrhoids due to their fat and fiber content, but you are not alone by having flareups with peanut consumption. Maybe the high arginine content of the peanuts are increasing arterial blood flow, which means more blood being returned in the veins. The excess blood in the veins can be increasing pressure in them, flaring the hemorrhoids.
_Probiotics can actually help prevent hemorrhoids by regulating peristalsis, which in turn helps prevent constipation that leads to straining and thus hemorrhoid formation. On the other hand many probiotic sources are dairy based meaning more calcium. Excess calcium causes constipation since calcium is a muscle contractor. Thus too much calcium can contribute to hemorrhoid formation.
_There is a greater risk with live cultures due to the higher acid levels. Just like you can consume too much alkaline substances leading to alkalosis, you can also consume too much acidic substances leading to acidosis, if you exceed the body's buffering capabilities. But these beneficial acids do not lead to or contribute to hemorrhoids.
_acidity does not cause this or aggravate the condition. Hemorrhoids are a result of loss of elasticity in the vein walls, which can be from damage by pressure or lack of certain nutrients, especially silica, vitamin C and bioflavonoids. If the hemorrhoids are bleeding, acidity may cause some temporary burning, but again it will not make the hemorrhoids worse.
_Chili peppers are great sources of vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which help promote collagen and elastin formation. Collagen strengthens the blood vessels while elastin gives them elasticity. Sufficient levels of both in the veins help prevent the veins from varicosing.
_A common misconception about hepatitis is that it is a viral condition. This is true in some cases of hepatitis, though not all. Hepatitis, which literally means inflammation of the liver, may occur from viral, bacterial, or fungal infections, chemical damage, or from autoimmunity.
_Symptoms of hepatitis generally appear from several weeks to a month and a half after exposure to the microbes that may cause hepatitis. Chemical induced hepatitis is more sudden in its onset of symptoms. An example of chemical induced hepatitis is ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, etc.), which caused two-dozen deaths from ibuprofen induced liver failure during clinical trials of the drug. Symptoms of hepatitis may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, light colored and loose stools, very dark urine, fatigue, loss of appetite, jaundice, abdominal pain, joint pain, and gastrointestinal bleeding.
_Diagnosis of hepatitis is made based on several criteria, including the presence of symptoms of hepatitis, elevation of certain liver enzymes (ALT and AST), presence of hepatitis virus RNA, reactive antibodies to hepatitis antibody tests, and liver biopsies. The antibody tests are supposed to determine the presence of specific virus antibodies, which are designated as hepatitis A, B, C, D, or E. Though these antibody tests do not prove the presence of the virus, or even previous exposure. We are taught that antibodies are specific to their intended targets, though this is not always true. The body normally produces high affinity antibodies as its primary antibody, with a smaller number of low affinity antibodies, which are less specific to antigens. In some cases, such as autoimmune conditions, the ratio of high affinity to low affinity antibodies is reversed. Since the low affinity antibodies cannot tell the difference between healthy tissues and antigens, such as microbes, these less specific antibodies tag healthy tissues for destruction by the body's immune system.
_Another way to look at this is with the production of monoclonal antibodies for disease research. In this process a sample of blood serum is reacted with an antigen test target. After the antibodies have attached themselves to the target the target is immersed in a weak solution of sodium sulfate, which remove many of the weaker low affinity antibodies. The target is then immersed in a slightly stronger solution to remove the slightly more specific antibodies. This process is repeated until only the very specific high affinity antibodies are remaining. These are then used to produce the monoclonal antibodies.
_All of this information is important because this is the same reason that antibody tests often yield false positive tests. When antibody tests are used to make a diagnosis, such as with HIV or hepatitis, we assume that the antibodies were produced in response to the particular virus that the test is trying to detect. This would work if antibodies were target specific, but as we have seen they are not. For instance HIV antibody tests have 65 known causes of false positives with these tests, primarily due to a process known as serological cross- reactivity. Basically this means that antibodies of like structure can cross react on antibody tests. For example antibodies produced from vaccinations for polio, typhoid, malaria, and influenza (flu) have all been shown to react false positive on HIV tests. Other antibodies that have been shown to cross react on HIV antibody tests include maternal antibodies from pregnancy or multiple pregnancies, BLV antibodies from beef or cow's milk, autoimmune conditions; especially lupus, and even hepatitis. Gamma globulin shots have also found to yield false positives on HIV test targets due to the high concentration of pooled antibodies present, some of which could be cross reacting or are specific to the virus being tested for. Furthermore, a true positive antibody test does not mean that the person is currently infected with that virus. If a person becomes infected with the influenza virus they develop antibodies to that virus. After a short period of time their body will fight off the virus successfully, though the antibodies remain. Therefore if they went and had an ELISA or Western blot antibody test a few weeks later to detect the presence of influenza virus antibodies, they would test positive even though they were no longer infected with the virus itself. The same principle applies to HIV and hepatitis antibody tests. If the body successfully defends itself from the virus antibodies to the virus will be present even though the virus itself is no longer present.
_The point of all this is that since the cause of the disease cannot always be positively identified, hepatitis should be treated with broad range antimicrobials, that kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi, as well as anti-inflammatory and liver support herbs. A sample of herbs that address these factors include:
_People with hepatitis from any cause should avoid alcohol consumption. I also recommend that they avoid over the counter minoxidil (Rogaine), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen (Tylenol), since these drugs can damage the liver. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have ever been diagnosed with hepatitis since many prescription pharmaceutical drugs, such as statin drugs used to lower cholesterol, may cause severe damage to the liver.
_Diet is another important consideration. I recommend that anyone with liver problems avoid high protein consumption since such diets can strain the liver. Protein sources, such as meats and dairy, often contain hormones and antibiotics as well that the liver must deal with. Sugars, including honey should also be limited since sugar suppresses immune function. This occurs because both sugar and vitamin C require insulin for transport. When sugar is consumed insulin is tied up making it unavailable for vitamin C transport. When vitamin C cannot reach the white blood cells, white blood cell activity is lowered decreasing immunity. If a sweetener is desired then I recommend the herb stevia, or stevia extract. The sugar molecules in stevia are too large to be absorbed and therefore they do not affect blood sugar or immunity. You only need a small amount of stevia due to the intense sweetness of the herb. The diet should consist primarily of vegetables. Carrots are especially good for the liver.
_Water is very important since water is needed to flush toxins out from the body. Drinks containing caffeine should be avoided since caffeine is a diuretic, which stimulates the excretion of water from the body. Fruit juices should be limited because of their high sugar content. If you juice your own vegetables I recommend also juicing raw red potatoes and green tomatoes with the other vegetables. Raw red potatoes and green tomatoes are high in protease inhibitors, which inactivate viruses. Seeds, including nuts, are also good sources of protease inhibitors. Green tea is antiviral due to its high polyphenol content, though it should not be taken with other herbs. Polyphenols (tannins), also found in coffee, bind to alkaloids and other beneficial compounds found in herbs rendering them useless to the body. Rooibos tea is relatively unknown, though I highly recommend it. Rooibos has no caffeine, and is very low in tannins. Though it is rich in the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is anti-inflammatory, immune stimulatory, and antioxidant. The tea has a pleasant flavor.
_Hernias are basically a protrusion through a tear in the tissues retaining the organ, muscle or other tissue. So they are different types of hernias such as an umbilical hernia, inguinal hernia, etc. From what you are describing it sounds more like some type of abdominal hernia as opposed to a hiatal hernia.
_The risk of hernias is increased by a decrease in the strength of the tissues. A deficiency in _silica and/or _vitamin C is the primary cause for the loss of strength. Once a hernia forms what can be done will depend a lot on where it is located and especially how large the tear is. Some minor hernias can be manually pushed back in if you are really careful and the area supported artificially as the tissues are given time to heal. Larger hernias will require surgery to repair them. Either way it is essential to strengthen the tissues to prevent the hernias from reoccurring.
_He's looking rather 'belly-ish' to me too this last while, and it's odd--since we eat one meal a day, (and no, he doesn't eat out), and otherwise drink tea or water...(sometimes nettles).
_The distension can be a couple of things. It could be bloating, fat accumulation or liver issues that are leading to ascites.
_Hiatal hernias actually results from the stomach pushing up through the diaphragm. There are several ways to deal with this. Some chiropractors can push the stomach back through. Not all chiropractors know how to do this so you may have to call around to find one that knows how to do this.
_Another way to do this at home that I have heard of numerous times and makes a lot of sense is to drink enough water to fill the stomach. Then step up on a strong box or something else that sits about a foot or two off the ground then hop off. The principle is that the weight of the water will pull the stomach downward when you hit the ground pulling the protruding part of the stomach back through the diaphragm.
_I've tried the water trick and also doing some massage of the solar plexus.
_I have no nausea or constipation or diarrhea, just discomfort and belching and the sensation of something stuck just below right rib, slighly right of the breastbone.
_That does sound like a hiatal hernia. A severe hiatal hernia can be hard to get [?] back in again.
_Aloe can soothe the tissues
_The trick is to make sure it stays in while the tear heals. Wrapping the area can help, and vitamin C, silica and herbs like comfrey root, plantain leaf, boneset, or gotu kola can help to speed up the healing process.
_For the hiatal hernia, losing weight can sometimes help with hiatal hernias. If it is large enough though then surgery may be your only option.
[near groin]
Yes, silica and vitamin C to strengthen the tissues. If it is not too large of a tear it may go back in on its own or can be pushed back in. If it can heal over before popping out again the silica and vitamin C will help reduce the risk of recurrence of the problem and in the meantime will reduce the risk of it enlarging.
_Your description does sound like shingles. In general the virus is tough to get rid of since the virus hides in the nerves where many substances cannot reach. Ozone can cross in to the nerves to get viruses, so this is one way to eliminate herpes viruses. I have heard chaparral is also supposed to be very effective in eliminating herpes viruses. And the Rife units should theoretically work as the electrical energy travels along the nervous system and viruses are highly sensitive to electrical energy.
- The amino acid lysine is great for suppressing herpes viruses. It does this by antagonizing the amino acid arginine, which activates herpes viruses. So avoiding arginine and arginine rich foods like chocolate would be a good idea when you have an outbreak or easily get them. If you use lysine to suppress the virus the lysine should be taken on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before meals.
- Maintaining the immune system and keeping stress to a minimum will also go a long way to helping. Vitamin C, pantothenic acid and adaptogenic herbs such as jiaogulan REM: and schisandra will help with both the immune system and stress.
_X: She has apparently "no cartilage" left in her hip sockets & is to get hip replacement soon.
_JS: It is rare that there would be no cartilage left. Usually what happens is the prominent points wear away the cartilage between them, but cartilage still remains around the edges where it is not being ground away. I would really try to rebuild the cartilage before going in for a hip replacement. Hip replacements are temporary and usually fail around 10 years down the line, although I have heard of a lot of failures around 5 years afterward.
_At least get her on gelatin, silica and vitamin C.
_The deterioration of the hip joint indicates that the tissues are weakening. Silica deficiencies are the main culprit here. Because the tissues are weakening she will see continued problems with the various joints as she is already with the knees. So she either has to address the deterioration or keep replacing the joints one by one with artificial joints.
_They likely had her on steroids, which are well known for causing bone deterioration. These also suppress the immune system and atrophy the adrenals leading to the eczema, bronchitis, etc.
_Another big mistake people make is using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for the joint pain. For example ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, etc.), naproxen (Aleve), celecoxib (Celebrex), aspirin, etc. The problem is that the NSAIDs lead to further deterioration of the joints and inhibit healing.
_Re: High histamine
_I suspect histamine is a very complicated subject with many causes for abnormal regulation.
_Would you agree with 3 possible causes below? and would there be any other major ones?
- low stomach acid and poor digestion, leading to fermentation in the gut and subsequent histamine reactions.
_Histamine is found in a wide range of foods either naturally, such as spinach and nightshades, or during natural or induced fermentation of foods through the action of bacteria on the amino acid histidine. The reason we do not all issues with dietary histamine is because diamine oxidase in the gut breaks down histamine. A lack of DAO therefore can lead to histamine issues with food.
- Undermethylation
_Yes, the donation of a methyl group by methyl donors, such as TMG and choline, inactivate histamine.
- Weak adrenals
_Epinephrine released from the adrenals is a natural antihistamine through its elevating cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
Dehydration, diuretics including caffeine and low copper levels can also lead to increased histamine levels. Excess copper though can be dangerous so supplementing with copper needs to be done carefully.
_I'm REALLY struggling with even food in general at the moment, with constant cravings and salivating for almost all foods, even things like canned fish, chicken and sauerkraut (as well all my other cravings/sensitivities - spices, nuts, dairy, sugar - including fruits). Saurkraut in particular caused strong cravings, and a significant raising of anxiety, heart rate and headaches after consumption. I do (try to) deal with weak adrenals, sluggish liver and poor digestion, and very poor gut health. The hope was that the sauerkraut would help this but seems to instead seems to cause too much of a reaction.
_Is there anything from the list below that you would recommend for someone in my position? - which is feeling of constantly feeling ramped up and cravings/salivating for almost all food. I am already attempting to support my adrenals.
_B6: Used in the formation of methyl donors, but the actual methyl donors would be better.
_diamine oxidase: I have never seen this sold as a supplement.
_Vitamin C; Quercetin: Vitamin C and quercetin are both great. Vitamin C will help support the adrenals and quercetin is a natural antihistamine.
_SAM-e; TMG: TMG is stronger and cheaper than SAMe. Choline bitartrate is also a good choice for a methyl donor, although lower doses are required.
_EFA's; Magnesium; Inositol; Calcium; Zinc; plant sterols: As far as histamine goes the plant sterols are going to be the most beneficial due to their effects on the adrenals. Nettle leaf is also good since it is nutrient rich including sterols, supports the adrenal glands and is a natural antihistamine.
_The adrenals are a primary immune regulator for the body. The amla berry [plus vitamin B5, i.e. pantothenic acid] in the Adrenal Tonic also supports the thymus, known as the "master gland of immunity".
_Viruses have a tough time or cannot infect healthy immune systems. Tests with the HIV demonstrate this the best. When scientists tried to deliberately infect healthy CD4 cells they were unable to do it. The only CD4 cells they were able to infect were those of severely immunocompromised leukemia patients. Another way to look at this is to consider hospital personnel. Despite being exposed to numerous pathogens on a daily basis they are not coming down with all these diseases. Yet take immunocompromised patients such as those with cancer or that have had transplants and they are prone to all sorts of pathogens.
_And yes, pau d' arco, and andrographis, are extremely effective against leukemia viruses including the HIV virus.
_Andrographis and pau d' arco can be taken together and even work better combined.
_HIV is a leukemia virus. See also AIDS.
_Would it be any good if she takes the maca powder while on the bc or would that be useless?
_The maca is not going to hurt. But its actions are going to be more pronounced in someone who is post-menopausal. The reason is that after menopause (natural or surgical induced) the adrenals become the primary source of hormones. Therefore adaptogenic herbs such as maca and jiaogulan which is considerably stronger, will aid in proper hormone formation after menopause.
_In her case I would focus more on the bitters and B vitamins to help the liver to detoxify the excess hormones that are leading to her problems. She should also focus on a little extra B6 since this is depleted by birth control pills leading to the majority of the side effects of birth control pills. Building up the flora is also recommended since the flora further reduce hormone metabolites. And she should limit the intake of animal based products due to the high level of estrogens found in most of them.
_Because birth control pills will atrophy the glands forming the hormones when women come off of long-term use of birth control pills they will generally go through a wild hormonal ride as the body tries to get its hormonal balance back. But the suggestions above and a diet rich in phytoestrogens will reduce the hormonal swings after coming off the pill. Diosgenin sources such as wild yam and fenugreek are also helpful.
Liver dysfunction is the most common cause, also lack of certain nutrients, particularly zinc or B vitamins, Over consumption of certain alcohols, Certain medications or tumors, Exposure to high levels of xenoestrogens (certain synthetic industrial chemicals).
_(Some sites say eat white kidney beans, maybe from Vitacost.)
_Never full after eating. I would suspect either a problem with the hypothalamus or a problem with not producing serotonin properly. There is a genetic disorder called Willi-Prader syndrome where the person never feels full. This results from a defect of the hypothalamus. Researching this will give you a better idea of the role of the hypothalamus.
_As for the serotonin link, serotonin suppresses the appetite. One of the reasons people tend to overeat is that they consume proteins with their carbohydrates. Carbohydrates by themselves will stimulate a release of brain tryptophan, which then converts in to serotonin suppressing the appetite. So your mom was right about eating that candy before dinner will spoil your appetite. But taking protein with the carbohydrates blocks the release of tryptophan and thus prevents proper serotonin production. So people eat more when consuming high protein with carbohydrates since they cannot get their serotonin "fix".
_What herbs work to curb the appetite, give more energy and focus to get things done? Curbing the appetite: An apple, spirulina or 5-HTP. Energy: Carnitine, pollen and other B vitamin sources build up the adrenals and thyroid, if needed. Also make sure the lack of energy is not from other reasons such as anemia or medications. Focus: Periwinkle, gotu kola, EFAs, protein sources, choline, TMG. ... As for the long life span thing we must keep in mind the majority of people with very long life spans do not get there from diet, but rather lack of stress.
_When we eat slowly by chewing thoroughly the stomach fills up slower and the stomach tells the brain that it full before we overeat. This can also help to control blood sugar for the same reason. Studies have shown that overeating can lower life expectancy due to elevated blood sugar. Slower eating also helps us to not overeat as it gives the brain more time to convert tryptophan, released from the ingestion of carbohydrates, in to serotonin, which kills the appetite. And of course it allows us to enjoy our food more if the food tastes good.
_ I am a firm believer of water with meals. First of all is it allows the food to mix better with the acids and enzymes. Water is also essential for the extraction process. Remember from chemistry that water is the universal solvent. It helps to extract the vitamins, minerals, alkaloids, etc. from our foods. And the water helps to expand the food we ingest, which again helps to prevent us form overeating.
_As for the claim it dilutes stomach acid, this is kind of misleading. If you give the body what it needs to produce its stomach acid properly then the stomach will just increase its output of stomach acid if diluted to restore the proper pH. If age, or some other issue, is reducing the stomach's ability to generate enough stomach acid then bitters can be used to stimulate the secretion.
_[Check] basal body temperature for a week to make sure [of] not [being] severely hypothyroid. Severe hypothyroidism can lead to the weight gain and an abnormally slow heartbeat. The weight gain can also increase levels of estrogen, which in turn can further suppress the thyroid. ... Lab tests frequently miss hypothyroidism. ...
_To increase oxygen levels in the blood I recommend suma. Suma is the highest source of organic germanium, which helps the cells to utilize oxygen more efficiently.
_And don't forget exercise for the weight loss and to help work the lungs.
_See more under THYROID ISSUES.
_The magnesium salicylate was a really bad idea for a couple of reasons. One is that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) deteriorate bones. Secondly they can cause internal bleeding that can be deadly. In fact it is estimated that NSAIDs kill over 16,000 people a year mainly due to internal bleeding.
- This is another really bad idea. Methotrexate is a chemo drug used to suppress the immune system. Prednisone is sometimes used for the same purpose. This is because many doctors are under the false assumption that autoimmune conditions result from an overactive immune system. They are not.
- Balsalazide Disodium is another aspirin-type compound and can have the same side effects such as internal bleeding. in fact worsening of UC symptoms and bloody diarrhea are known side effects.
- on dealing with autoimmune conditions I recommend >silica, and >gelatin in particular to help with rebuilding the bone tissue that has been destroyed by the medicaitons. Since there is rectal bleeding I recommend >licorice root only right now for the inflammation and when the bleeding stops >yucca root can be included.
_Mullein root is very effective, but it is not commercially available. If you live in the mountains and are not buried under snow then you can harvest some if it grows in your area. Otherwise I recommend marshmallow root, which also helps to tone the bladder muscles. You can either use the tea, powder or capsules. Dosage will depend on the form you are using.
_Antibodies to a pathogen still remain for quite a while after an infection is completely gone, and they gradually decline over time. Subsequent exposure to the same or similar pathogen can also stimulate antibody responses even without infection. Some antibody levels can remain elevated throughout life despite successful treatment of some infections, such as IgG antibodies in Lyme's disease.
_Stop pau d' arco when it is likely the infection is gone, as you do not want other pathogens building up a tolerance to the pau d' arco to where it will not be effective when you need it again.
_It is not acids causing infection. It is microbes, most of which are killed by acidity.
_How white blood cells kill pathogens and cancer cells is very well known. One of the things that allow them to kill pathogens is the acid ascorbic acid.
_Many of our immune cells use peroxide to kill pathogens and cancer cells.
_Antiseptic herbs such as pau d' arco can help with both infection and inflammation. High doses are recommended throughout the day either as a boiled tea or powder. Chaparral powder is another great choice if you do not have pau d' arco. You can also take magnesium malate or citrate to relax the muscles. Even the contraction of muscles by tetanus is from calcium, which is antagonized by magnesium.
_Puncture wound on thumb: pain into hand and arm; nothing visible under the skin; feels like a needle; rest of fingers are sore too; there isn't any swelling or redness but the hand feels hot; worried, dizzy spells, body and muscles are tense, stomach a bit upset, getting a fever. Blood pressure and temperature are normal.
_Open the wound and put raw potato (maybe grated & wrapped) on it to draw any foreign objects out. Leave it on for a few hours then remove and discard. You can repeat this as needed.
_To clear up lung infections mix equal parts of chaparral, thyme, and horseradish powders. Blend them well then fill some capsules. Recommend 2 capsules 3 times daily. The capsule size does not matter since a little extra will not hurt you. So you can use either O or OO capsules. In one of the empty capsules add 8 drops of pure eucalyptus essential oil. Recommend 1 capsule with the 8 drops of oil 3 times daily with the herb capsules. You will exhale the oils killing any fungus, bacteria, or virus in the lungs. The longest I have ever seen this take for pneumonia or bronchitis is 3 days. Remember to stay hydrated to keep the mucous in the lungs fluid so it can be expelled with the pathogens.
_Pau d' arco works against bacteria and other pathogens. It also has more than one antiseptic compound. Pau d' arco contains 18 antiseptic anthraquinones and napthaquinones. It also contains 5 anti-inflammatories.
_Ozone is not only highly antiseptic it also speeds the healing of burns significantly.
_For burns, tea made from boiling pau d' arco (for 20 minutes) then adding a little clove will prevent infection. The clove is also a powerful antiseptic and will help reduce the pain. If you need to speed the healing, add a little comfrey root when boiling the pau d' arco. As the tea cools it will gel up some but this gel is soothing and promotes healing due to the allantoin content. Do not use honey, because it contains bacteria.
_Re sinus infection, if snot comes out thick and yellow throughout the day then this indicate a sinus infection. if it is clear and runny throughout the day, it's more like an allergy related response. The runny nose with spicy foods is common and is known as gustatorhinitis. This is a good thing as it helps to flush pathogens from the sinuses. Sinus drainage is a common cause of throat infections as the microbes in the drainage coat the throat as the drainage runs down. I recommend focusing on adrenals to treat any allergies, and drinking a tea of pau d' arco with a little licorice root to treat any infections in the throat. Make the tea by boiling the herbs covered for 20 minutes then turn the heat off and allow it to cool. Gargling the tea a little before swallowing will help even more.
_Re EBV etc, one thing I need to emphasize is that antibodies to EBV really mean nothing since antibody tests are notoriously inaccurate and CANNOT show the presence of any particular virus. Because doctors rely so heavily on antibody tests though, this routinely leads to misdiagnoses. This includes misdiagnoses of EBV induced diseases, which present the same symptoms as various other disorders. For example, how many people think they have EBV because they suffer from chronic fatigue, which can also be from hypothyroidism, nutritional deficiencies, liver disorders, hypoadrenalism, etc.? It really requires more to determine actual EBV infection and symptoms from it etc.
_Tea tree oil is OK, but again I think it is one of those over hyped things. I personally prefer eucalyptus oil or juniper berry oil to tea tree for infections.
_Chamomile has been shown to help with lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics. But this is probably due to the anti-inflammatory effects of the chamomile increasing insulin sensitivity, and not due to its effects on serotonin levels.
_nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) generally inhibit prostaglandins without specification. So they inhibit the good prostaglandins as well as bad prostaglandins leading to problems such as heart attack, stroke, kidney and liver failure, tinnitus, peptic ulcers, etc.
_Licorice kills viruses and bacteria, raises interferon, is a steroidal anti-inflammatory, helps other herbs to absorb and function better, etc.
_Sage can also be used as a mouth rinse to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
_Yucca root is high in fiber and is a steroidal anti-inflammatory.
_NSAIDs lead to further deterioration of the joints and inhibit healing.
_Stick primarily with yucca root and licorice root as they are both steroidal anti-inflammatories and both help build up the flora.
_One thing you should definitely avoid though is magnesium oxide/hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia), calcium oxide/hydroxide, and alkaline waters. These hydroxide sources are irritating to the mucous membranes as hyroxides are caustic. For example, Milk of Magnesia is used as a laxative because it chemically burns the intestinal wall leading to a release of fluid in to the intestines and increased peristalsis.
_The vagus nerve affects the heart and the digestive system. When having a bowel movement people often strain, which stimulates the vagus nerve. In the case of straining it can overstimulate the vagus nerve leading to the acid reflux. By the way straining during bowel movements is also the reason that so many die from heat attacks while on the toilet. Again overstimulation of the vagus nerve. So make sure to get plenty of fiber and water each day. And if the stools are still hard then people can add some slippery elm or marshmallow root to their herbal regime as a stool softener.
_The adrenals help to regulate inflammatory responses in the body. This can lead to the start of or aggravation of inflammatory bowel disorders. Excess cortisol over time can also damage the intestinal lining again leading to intestinal inflammation.
_Yucca root and licorice root both reduce intestinal inflammation and bothy help to build up the adrenals.
_Soft fibers high in B vitamins can help. Rice bran is my favorite.
_Basically the flora ferment the fibers, which are long chain sugar molecules, breaking them down in to smaller sugar units they can feed on. In the process the flora generate beneficial acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid, and fatty acids.
_What's the best way of reducing dependence on inhalers in asthmatics? One of the simplest things is to increase magnesium intake. Studies have found that asthmatics tend to be very low in magnesium, which makes a lot of sense, since calcium is a muscle contractor and magnesium is a muscle relaxant. So calcium can cause bronchial contractions, but magnesium, which is antagonistic to calcium, helps to relax the bronchioles and therefore keeps the spasming of the bronchioles from occurring.
_While I'm talking about magnesium, not all magnesiums are the same. Magnesium oxide is the most common magnesium on the market, but it's also the least absorbed. Also it turns into magnesium hydroxide and burns the intestinal wall. It does very little for inside the body. When we're looking for magnesium, I prefer a magnesium malate as my first choice, followed by magnesium citrate. Both of these magneseums are acidified and very readily absorbed. I recommend about 300 milligrams two to three times a day.
_Another way of helping reduce dependence on inhalers is to make your own tincture using an herb Coleus Forskohlii. You take an ounce of Coleus Forskohlii tincture and mix in about half an ounce of Yerba Mate'. You mix these two together and at the first signs of an asthma attack, you put a dropper full of the tincture under the tongue and hold it there. That will allow it to absorb directly into the bloodstream. The Coleus Forskohlii raises what's called cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Now cyclic AMP is what counters the histamine leukotriene response involved with asthma. The Yerba Mate' provides a caffeine source which is actually called a cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase inhibitor. And these inhibitors, what they do is, they block the enzyme that breaks down the cyclic AMP, so it prolongs the antihistamine, anti-leukotriene effects of the Coleus Forskohlii. {That means it lessens wheezing.}
See INSULIN RESISTANCE IS GOOD for a more thorough discussion. Insulin resistance is NOT a dysfunction. Devouring a diet high in excess glucose is the problem. Insulin resistance is the cell’s ability to prevent too much glucose from entering, so that is not the problem.
__AI said: You're correct that insulin resistance itself is not the primary dysfunction, but rather a protective mechanism. Let's clarify the situation: Excessive glucose intake is indeed the root problem. When cells are consistently exposed to high levels of glucose:
It can lead to cellular damage through oxidative stress and glycation1.
Excess glucose can disrupt normal cellular metabolism and energy production4.
High glucose levels can stimulate abnormal cell proliferation in certain cell types4.
Insulin resistance develops as a cellular defense mechanism to protect against these harmful effects. By becoming less responsive to insulin, cells limit their glucose uptake, which helps prevent cellular damage from excessive glucose influx1,3. However, while this mechanism protects individual cells, it leads to chronically elevated blood glucose levels, which can cause systemic issues over time. This is why insulin resistance, though protective at the cellular level, is associated with various health problems when persistent. The key point is that the primary issue stems from consistently high glucose intake and blood glucose levels, not the cellular response to this condition {cellular response means insulin resistance}. Addressing dietary and lifestyle factors that lead to excessive glucose exposure is crucial for maintaining metabolic health.
- I recommend lots of >kefir to begin with to wipe out any pathogens that may be present, and >slippery elm or >marshmallow root combined with some >licorice root and >yucca root to help coat and sooth the intestines and to reduce any inflammation.
_In most cases I really prefer natural sources as close to their natural state as possible. Therefore I rely primarily on seaweeds and black walnut hull.
_Yes, it is harder to determine how much we are getting exactly, but we are not talking about drugs we are talking about nutrients.
_People too often put too much focus on how much of a particular nutrient they are getting. Am I getting 2g of C a day or 1.2g of calcium daily as examples.
_But it is really not as easy as that. For example the body can only utilize a certain amount of vitamin C at one time. The excess is just eliminated in the urine. Although excess C can also be converted in to oxalic acid leading to kidney stones or urinary tract infections in some individuals. And in many cases natural sources of vitamin C are much stronger and more stable than the synthetic ascorbic acid. Therefore we need less vitamin C from many natural sources than we do from synthetic sources.
_As for calcium the reason that such high doses are recommended is because the recommended dose is base on findings using poorly absorbed calcium carbonate. So the researchers figured that if they just load the person up with more of this poorly absorbed form of calcium that in the long run they would absorb more. More readily absorbed forms therefore, such as some food sources, are not required in such high amounts.
_It is also important to note that natural nutrient sources are generally combined with synergistic compounds that synthetics and isolates will not have. For example synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) does not contain the bioflavonoids that help vitamin C to work properly. Natural vitamin C sources do.
_I still do not think that mankind will ever outsmart Mother Nature. Every time we try we just end up creating imbalanced substances loaded with side effects. As an example just look at all the pharmaceutical drugs made from plants or that are based on their chemistry.
_Someone said in a letter online that most people need a lot more iodine, but herbalist James Sloane says that's not true. The letter said: "In 1911, 900 milligrams daily (900,000 micrograms/day!) were considered usual and safe doses. In 1950 the Japanese had 100 times more iodine in their diet than Americans".
_Sloane replied:
The author left out several very important points. The typical Japanese diet will be higher in [natural] iodine due to the higher consumption of ocean animals and seaweeds. The typical Japanese diet is also high in rice, which is high in iodine binding starch [so it prevents excess iodine from doing harm]. In addition, the ingestion of [unnatural] free iodine, such as with Lugol's iodine, is not the same as organically bound iodine in foods. The point is that what is a safe dose of iodine in one form does not make the same dose safe in a different form of iodine.
_Unfortunately many people are supplementing with more dangerous forms of iodine such as Lugol's iodine. Lugol's iodine is considered a poison due to the presence of toxic [unnatural] elemental iodine. Pure potassium iodide is considered considerably safer since the iodide ion is not as toxic as elemental iodine.
_In addition, if we follow the studies back they also showed that with the addition of iodide to salt there was an increase of hyperthyroidism with corresponding symptoms including goiter [showing that excess iodide is dangerous]. See:
_This is how so many people get in to trouble [including me]. First they read sales websites to get their health information without researching credible sites to find out if the original claims are even true. Then they assume that more is better. Estrogen is essential to the body. Should people start taking excess amounts of estrogen? What about insulin? Steroids? Vitamin A? Many compounds work very well in small amounts in the body. Sometimes because that is all the body needs and sometimes because other synergistic factors help the compounds work properly at lower doses.
_The letter also said: "it is important to move forward carefully as we treat this pandemic level of 72% iodine deficiency in the world and a shocking 96% deficiency in Americans, affecting the minds of billions of people".
_Sloane replied:
Where is the evidence to those statistics? Sounds like more of scare tactic propaganda I have seen on some iodine promotion sites. In fact, considering how much of the world is reliant on the oceans on their primary food sources and the number of other people that live near ocean waters where they are exposed to iodine from ocean spray and iodine laden rain I would highly doubt those statistics.
_Numerous studies have linked the decreased rate of breast and prostate cancer in Japan not to the higher iodine intake but rather the higher intake of plant phytoestrogens [as in soy].
_Abraham, the letter writer, made an assumption that the iodine had something to do with [Japan's lack of obesity] rather than investigating further. What about other cultures where there is a high reliance on seafoods providing an abundance of iodine in the diet? For example in some of the island nations. Yet obesity is rampant in many of these islands despite the high iodine intake. Clearly there is something other than the iodine that is making Japan such a healthy nation. And as I pointed out earlier this factor has been shown in numerous studies to be the high intake of phytoestrogens in the diet.
_As for his comment that the Japanese must either be mutants or they are capable of thriving on toxic levels of iodine Abraham is overlooking some basic facts. Again, the starch in the typical Japanese diet binds iodine reducing its toxicity.
_In addition, the Japanese consume a lot of seaweed that also contains the halogens fluorine and bromine that are antagonistic to iodine. Again, the ingestion of food based iodine sources is vastly different than some iodine sources such as Lugol's iodine that is considered a poison by most everyone. Abraham on the other hand considers Lugol's to be extremely safe as well as another well known poison known as tincture of iodine.
_Being that Abraham set out to prove his hypothesis and failed to do the proper research to determine what was allowing the Japanese to be so healthy compared to other high iodine consumption nations, and failed to consider how the higher iodine intake was being offset, I would not put much faith in to his research.
_Excess iodine has also been shown to induce [death] of healthy thyroid cells in animal studies:
_and in healthy human thyroid cells:
_Sloane shows that most of the claims Abraham made about iodine are false or misleading.