.1. INTRO: Cause of Many of Our Health Problems
This info surely is relevant for almost everyone reading this.
I think I now know the main causes of my health problems, my edema, cold hands, slow heart beat, neuropathy (some numbness in some toes) & maybe tinnitus etc, as well as the causes of other people's diabetes, heart attacks, Alzheimer's, gut issues, etc. My problems likely stemmed from my 20-year vegan diet, while many diabetics' problems stem in part from the common med, Metformin, and for almost everyone, problems are due to glyphosate. What those have in common is they cause B12 deficiency. I was vegan from 1976 to 1996. In 1996 my health deteriorated. I thought it was due to my 6 amalgam tooth fillings. I had them properly replaced and added eggs & spirulina & sea salt to my diet & my health greatly improved. But for the past year or so, I noticed that I still have some pitting edema mainly in my legs. My chiropractor used Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) on me & opined that the edema is due to a weak heart. I think I have far fewer health problems than most Americans and I think my former vegan diet is partly responsible, the reason being that I was a mostly raw food vegan. My diet was mostly about 4 raw bananas blended with about a cup or more of distilled water for breakfast and the same for lunch/dinner, then cooked potatoes or raw sunflower seeds etc for supper. I often had raw celery with my banana blend. Raw foods, especially fruits & vegs, have a lot of EZone water in them & now it looks like that greatly helped my health. I avoided sugar & grain products & processed foods. Apparently, I didn't get enough B12. Some say vegans can get B12 from the gut microbiome, but it looks like I didn't get enough that way.
A few days ago I read What Causes Water to Move Inside the Body? at It discussed EZ water, Chinese medicine (like acupuncture) etc. That inspired me to dig more into acupuncture (a little) & EZ water, which I'm calling Ezone water here, for the Exclusion Zone around water. I had heard about EZone probably at least ten years ago, but its importance wasn't well-known then.
The first thing I checked out lately was called "Sulfate’s Critical Role for Maintaining Exclusion Zone Water: Dietary Factors Leading to Deficiencies". That's mostly what I'll quote from below, but first I want to mention some good quotes from other sources.
.2. ALSO RANS: Other Videos & Article Excerpts
{Video: Glyphosate Reduces EZone Water}
Glyphosate's Effect on EZ Water with Gerald Pollack
Effect of Health-Promoting Agents {Glyphosate is not such an agent} on Exclusion-Zone Size
{Excess Nutrients Reduce EZone Water}
The transition of ordered {EZone} water to bulk serves as an important trigger of many cellular physiological functions, and in turn cellular health. We tested physiological doses of half a dozen agents generally identified to restore or build health on the extent to which they build {EZones}. All agents known to enhance biological function resulted in {EZone} expansion. On the other hand, the weed killer, glyphosate, considerably diminished {EZone} size. While the expansion effect of the health-promoting agents was observed over a wide range of concentrations, excessive doses ultimately reduced {EZone} size. We hypothesize that {EZone} buildup may be a mechanistic feature underlying many health-promoting agents, while agents that impair health may act by diminishing the amount of {EZone} water.
Healthy fats and exclusion-zone size
{Healthy Fats Increase EZone}
In cell systems, {EZone} water interfaces with membranes, macromolecules, and organelles, and its buildup appears to be vital for function. For years thought to build health, fats have gained a negative reputation over the last few decades. While their exact role in health remains unclear, now they have become more accepted. We tested several fats for their capacity to generate {EZone} water. Large {EZones} formed next to ghee, coconut oil, lard, organic clarified butter, and 'Brain Octane®' oil. Cold ghee surfaces produced especially large {EZones}. Thus, {EZone} growth, confirmed by microsphere exclusion and UV-VIS absorbance spectroscopy of samples flanking the fat, may be an important factor in cellular hydration and might well underlie the health-promoting function of fats.
{EZone Is ‘Solid’ Water}
Exclusion zone and heterogeneous water structure at ambient temperature
The two kinds of waters were tested by standard methods for various physical properties. In addition, we carried out cryogenic scanning-electron microscopy of frozen samples of the two kinds of water. The powder-supernatant water showed a cell-like heterogeneous ice structure with the high-density exclusion-zone water forming the walls of a cell-like structure. A similar cell-like ice structure was formed for water treated with the hydrophilic powder in a non-contact manner; the unit cell size depended on the ‘degree of structure’ in the water.
Solid water at room temperature
The resulting highly stable solid was dissolved in water and confirmed as EZ water by its characteristic absorbance at 270–280 nm. ... We ordinarily think that water-based solids exist only in the form of ice, typically forming at or below 0°C or 32°F. The studies above provide evidence that they can exist also at room temperature and do not appear to be a contamination artifact. Thus, a solid form of water appears to exist at room temperature.
{Glyphosate Is in 80% of U.S. Population}
I don't find much about glyphosate on Substack. Here's a post from last fall though.
Gluten Intolerance or Glyphosate Poisoning?
More than 80% of urine samples drawn from children and adults in US health study contained weed-killing, cancer-causing glyphosate.
{How to Make Structured or EZone Water}
Video: What is Structured Water? & 4 Ways to Make It
{1. Let a glass jar of water set in the Sunlight for at least 4 hours. 2. Run water through a bunch of rounded stones, mimicking a mountain stream, into a glass jar. Etc.}
{NOTE: For the following main event, I could have added more helpful terms as section titles, but I've already had to do an ungodly amount of analyzing to whittle this down to a digestible morsel, so I tell myself, Give me a break. Well, okay. … I had a break now, so maybe it’s time to add section titles.}
Sulfate’s Critical Role for Maintaining Exclusion Zone Water: Dietary Factors Leading to Deficiencies
In this section, we first propose that cobalamin (vitamin B12) has a catalytic role in the synthesis of sulfate by eNOS {an enzyme}. We then discuss environmental factors that we believe are disrupting the supply of cobalamin to the body, mainly glyphosate, metformin and a strict vegan diet.
... Abstract
Biological water exists in at least two distinct forms: bulk and interfacial. ... In this paper we equate interfacial water with Exclusion Zone {EZone} water described by Pollack....
{They abbreviate "Exclusion Zone" as EZ, but I think readers here will understand it better abbreviated EZone. E means Exclusion.}
{We} propose that it is the sulfate molecule that plays a fundamental role in providing the interfacial negative charge that builds and maintains the {EZone} in biological systems. We further propose novel roles for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), erythrocytes, and cobalamin in sulfate production and ongoing regulation.
Two {outside} agents, the diabetes drug metformin and the herbicide glyphosate, and one lifestyle factor, vegetarianism/veganism, can contribute to reduced sulfate production and subsequent loss of {EZone} water. A set of compensatory changes in the body, often normally considered to be discrete pathologies, serve to reestablish adequate sulfate supply in the face of these and other detrimental impacts on sulfate production. ... Finally, we review additional pathologies associated with cobalamin deficiency and suggest that they, too, can be linked to the restoration of sulfate metabolism.
Gerald Pollack PhD, and Professor at the University of Washington, ... has succeeded in popularizing the notion of {EZone} water, ... characterized by a regularized crystalline {repeating 6-water-molecule} structure, yielding a gel that excludes solutes {i.e. "soluble contents"} and also {forces out} protons. As a result, the gel itself is negatively charged, and a voltage drop is created at the interface {i.e. contact surface} with neighboring “unstructured,” or bulk, liquid water. ... The charge separation that is induced forms a battery that can supply energy to the tissues. This gel phase of {EZone} water is the dominant phase present in the human body {with} a negative electric potential, whereas ordinary {bulk} water has a positive polarity.
{That sounds like they're saying blood plasma has positive charge, but I think it has negative charge.}
This is a model for the arrangement of water molecules in the vasculature {i.e. blood vessels}, where hydrophilic {attracted to water} substances bound to the endothelial {i.e. blood vessel wall} membrane create {EZone} water that interfaces with unstructured water in the blood, and this creates a battery that supplies energy to the endothelial cells. A similar process takes place surrounding all the cells in the tissues {i.e. each cell has EZone water in and around it}.
... Sulfate plays a role in maintaining the {EZone} water lining blood vessels and in maintaining the proper viscosity of the circulating blood. ... We hypothesize that water is maintained in this gel form through the special assistance of sulfate molecules that are anchored to the extracellular matrix {EZone} of most cells in the body. Thus, sulfate ... {is} a vital structural component of the matrix, and {is} the dominant water-structuring component within that matrix.
... Sulfate is among the strongest of the {water structuring minerals} ... in the extracellular matrix {EZone} of most cells, where the relative sulfate concentration is much higher than in the blood. Its presence in the bloodstream will also have a gelling effect, thereby increasing blood viscosity {making it thicker}. By contrast, nitrate is a {water Destructuring mineral} {which} will ... act to decrease blood viscosity and maintain adequate {blood} flow. Both free nitrate and free sulfate are present in substantial amounts in the blood, and are highly regulated and maintained in a constant balance. One effect of this tight regulation is to keep the blood viscosity within a narrow range....
... The source of the negative charge in the RBC {red blood cell} membrane has been little studied, but it is logical {to suspect} that sulfate is an important contributor, since it is a negatively charged molecule and a prominent component of the cell glycocalyx {glucose coating}. Erythrocyte {red blood cell} membranes contain both sialic acid ... and sulfated {molecules}, and these are probably covalently {electrically} linked, forming complex sugar structures.... ... Sulfate is estimated to contribute around 17% of the negative charge in typical sulfated oligosaccharides .... We predict that it contributes a much larger {%} in {red blood cells}, because the {sulfated molecules} in RBCs are highly sulfated.
A study comparing diabetic patients to normal controls revealed that the RBCs of diabetics had reduced levels of sialic acid {a 9-carbon acid sugar}, which was associated with increased risk of aggrega{tion (rouleaux formation {blood clumping}) and adherence to the vascular {blood vessel} endothelial wall. The authors proposed that reduced negative charge on the RBC membrane led to these defects.... It has been demonstrated that RBCs lose their negative charge and their sialic acid as they age, and this may be an important marker of senescence {i.e. aging}.
... Collectively, these findings suggest to us two important, previously unknown roles that RBCs normally play in physiology. First, through their sheer volume they contribute to the overall viscosity of the blood through this “entrapment” of local water into an {EZone} layer at the RBC surface. Second, they play a central role in the distribution of cholesterol to the tissues. In this regard, the removal of the sulfate ligand is an essential part of the process. We hypothesize that, under normal conditions, CS is only housed temporarily in the RBC membrane. Once released, it decomposes into cholesterol and sulfate, and these two nutrients are supplied to the endothelial cells lining the capillaries and to the tissues and organs. Sulfate anions can be attached to the extracellular GAGs to reinforce their sulfate supplies.
In this model, high serum cholesterol is potentially an indicator of cholesterol sulfate deficiency.
{Cholesterol is a vital nutrient, but cholesterol in food is broken down by the liver. The liver then remakes any cholesterol the body needs from its pool of fats and carbs.}
... Garlic is universally recognized as a nutritionally important food that is protective against cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, thrombosis, hypertension and diabetes .... It is believed that much of its benefit derives from the fact that it is an excellent source of sulfane sulfur .... RBCs extract sulfur from garlic and release gas, which then induces vasorelaxation acting as a gasotransmitter....
... H2S and bisulfide (HS–) are both transported very rapidly across the erythrocyte {RBC} membrane.... RBCs typically carry significant levels of glutathione.
... RBCs may be able to exploit endogenously {i.e. internally} produced hydrogen sulfide gas to both reduce oxidized glutathione and synthesize sulfite ... enzymatically, catalyzed by sunlight. ...
This suggests to us that inflammation, e.g., within the rheumatoid joint, which induces both the expression of reactive oxygen species and the infiltration of neutrophils {neutral white blood cells} into the artery wall, may be a process that is needed to renew sulfate supplies to the vasculature.... This is yet another way the body provides the sulfate necessary to maintain water structure both locally and globally.
... Cobalamin is an essential B vitamin with several critical roles in the body. However, we argue here that there is yet another role that has been to date overlooked by the research community.
... Cobalamin becomes a central player in the sulfate balance and, thus, water structuring throughout the body.
... Cobalamin is a crucial vitamin for health, even though it only catalyzes a few reactions. Cobalamin deficiency is widespread, with about 20% of the US population being at or below the critical symptomatic threshold.... This is due in part to the complex process involved in cobalamin absorption, which often gets disrupted. Plants neither require nor produce cobalamin, so a vegan diet, becoming increasingly popular in the United States, is likely to be a risk factor for cobalamin deficiency.... {Or does the microbiome provide enough B12?} The manifestations of cobalamin deficiency ... reflect the intricacies of biological control mechanisms whereby seemingly diverse symptoms orchestrate a higher-level plan that works a “work-around” solution. This is necessitated when the mechanisms that typically synthesize sulfate from sulfane sulfur and hydrogen sulfide are derailed.
{In other words, when B12 is deficient, sulfur becomes deficient, so the body has to find another way to get sulfur}
... Metformin is a very popular drug widely used to help control blood sugar levels in patients suffering from Type II diabetes. It has become clear that a side effect of long-term metformin therapy is cobalamin {B12} deficiency....
... Glypohosate is the active ingredient in the pervasive herbicide, Roundup. ... Glyphosate has ... been found to be present as a contaminant in many common foods, and independent researchers are finding evidence that it is considerably more toxic than the regulators have been led to believe....
The most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency in developed countries is impaired absorption due to a loss of gastric intrinsic factor. Surprisingly, glyphosate is able to diffuse passively across lipid membranes.... Glyphosate’s membrane permeability increases by an order of magnitude at pH 4.1 (mildly acidic), compared to a neutral pH of 7.0. This is an important point when considering glyphosate exposure in the stomach lumen {i.e. interior}, where the pH is extremely low (1.5 to 3.5 {very acidic}). Given this, one can predict that the parietal cells in the stomach will be especially susceptible to dietary glyphosate exposure. One of the important roles of parietal cells is to release intrinsic factor, which is essential for cobalamin transport across the gut wall.
Furthermore, cobalamin depends upon cobalt as a cofactor. A study of cows exposed to glyphosate examined blood levels of a suite of minerals, and found alarmingly low levels of just two minerals: cobalt and manganese. Both were at levels well below the minimum of the normal range in all cows at eight different farms....
{This led to the finding that glyphosate disrupts Cobalamin/B12 synthesis.}
... Cobalamin deficiency can be predicted to lead to sulfate deficiency over time. ... These combined effects of cobalamin and sulfate deficiency initiate a broad range of compensatory changes in the body, many of which are highly symptomatic and, we suggest, incorrectly considered to be unrelated pathologies. These changes are, in brief:
• Sulfur-fixing bacteria proliferate, predominantly in the large bowel, but also occasionally in the small bowel;
• Dietary sulfur, sulfomucins, sulfated hormones, and other compounds are preferentially converted by these bacteria into H2S...;
• These same bacteria also harvest sulfate from bile salts, converting it to H2S...;
• The cumulative production of H2S ... disrupts the gut barrier ... and H2S produced in the gut diffuses into circulation to act as substrate for eNOS {enzyme} to generate SO2 {sulfur dioxide}. This is transformed as previously described to biologically active sulfate, thus restoring systemic sulfate stores;
• Taurine {a component of some proteins}, stored in the brain and heart, is released in the context of cobalamin deficiency...;
• Circulating taurine can bind to bile salts in the liver, after which it can be converted to sulfate in the digestive tract with assistance from the gut microbes....
Cobalamin deficiency leads to peripheral nerve injury and ... degeneration.... Further, myelin {nerve coating} degradation products ... may then be acted upon ... to generate additional H2S....
All of these adaptations are problematic in terms of health, because they can lead to several pathologies such as; dysbiosis and small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO)..., and inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s ... and ulcerative colitis.... In addition, there may be systemic symptoms of high H2S, including hypotension {i.e. low blood pressure} and bradycardia {slow pulse, under 60 beats per minute}; concentration and memory impairment ...; rheumatic conditions ..., severe neuropathy, dementia, and arterial damage inducing thrombosis and cardiovascular disease, among other possible issues. Further, the oxidative conditions created ... for conversion of H2S to SO2 also increase the risk of thrombosis {clotting in a blood vessel} and cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, and many other conditions associated with excess oxidative stress. Within this model, these pathologies are unfortunate side effects of our bodies’ attempts to generate sulfate, compensate for low cobalamin, and ultimately maintain adequate {EZone} water within tissue and the blood stream. Maintenance of {EZone} water can only happen when sulfate is in sufficient supply. Since sulfate deficiency impairs the {negative charge} of RBCs, another adaptive biological compensation is to reduce the number of RBCs in circulation. Macrophages need adequate sulfate to clear the DNA in the nuclei that RBCs release as they mature.... The RBC population as a whole needs to be reduced in order to protect from possible agglutination {i.e. clumping} due to insufficient negative charge and {EZone} water as a consequence of cholesterol sulfate deficiency in their membranes, as described ... above.
{Those} Regulatory Mechanisms to Maintain Vascular Health {are} at the Expense of the Heart and Liver {too}.
... Cobalamin is essential for the synthesis of methionine from homocysteine. When this pathway is disrupted, methylation capacity is severely impaired, and homocysteine accumulates to unhealthy levels. ... Cobalamin deficiency causes a reduced proliferation rate of {new} RBCs, resulting in macrocytic anemia {larger, deformed red blood cells}. At the same time, homocysteine induces an inflammatory cascade in the artery wall.... Homocysteine can partially compensate for the loss of ... sulfate, but at a severe cost, as inflammation drives cardiovascular disease....
Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to increased cholesterol uptake and increased cholesterol synthesis in adipocytes {i.e. fat cells}.
... Glycine is a source of methyl groups {i.e. methane-containing nutrients}.... Cobalamin deficiency {may} suppress{} the ability to use methyl groups derived from glycine {leading} to severe fatty liver disease....
... {Because glyphosate etc reduces the thickness of the EZone water} lipid particles suspended in the blood, as well as the RBCs and platelets, are more susceptible to glycation damage from glucose because they do not have an adequate shield of gelled water surrounding their membranes due to insufficient membrane-bound sulfate.
... Stealing Taurine from the Brain for Sulfate Synthesis by Gut Microbes {is also due to B12 deficiency}.
... In response to cobalamin deficiency, stored taurine in the brain can be mobilized as a resource to boost sulfate levels, systemically.
... {Data} strongly suggest{} that glyphosate disrupts the metabolism of taurine into inorganic sulfate by microbes.
Taurine-conjugated bile acids ... have been identified as a risk factor for colon cancer, and as a potential explanation for the link between a diet high in animal-based foods and colon cancer.... ... Excessive levels of H2S corrode the gut lining and induce an inflammatory response leading to DNA damage, while the microbially metabolized bile acids cause degradation of tumor-suppressing proteins....
... Destruction of the Myelin Sheath {can also be due to B12 deficienty}.
... The major protein in the myelin sheath is ... rich in cysteine residues, a potential source for sulfate. But, perhaps even more convenient as a direct source of sulfate is the sulfatide ... normally present in high amounts in the myelin sheath. Sulfatide levels in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients plummet very early in the disease process.... These authors found an astonishing 93% depletion of sulfatide ... very early..., which was associated with cobalamin deficiency.... We hypothesize that the myelin sheath is attacked in order to retrieve sulfate from the sulfatide to help restore sulfate levels in the circulation.
In addition to dementia, cobalamin deficiency is also linked to multiple other neurological diseases, including myelopathy, peripheral neuropathy and optic neuropathy.... Elevated serum methylmalonic acid and homocysteine are diagnostic features. It is likely that these conditions are a consequence of a stripping of the sulfatide and sulfur-enriched proteins in the myelin sheath of peripheral neurons.
{I guess Sublingual B12 would be the most important.}
_1. ... What agents will be suggested ... to increase the exclusion zone size and health of biological tissues?
... Those compounds that play a role in sulfur metabolism in general, and hydrogen sulfide metabolism in particular, would be expected to have uniquely beneficial roles in health maintenance.
... Coenzyme Q10 is an essential component of mitochondrial electron transfer. Much research has shown its beneficial role in enhancing energy production. A lesser known role of CoQ10, though, is as an essential cofactor in the activity of sulfite....
There are several other nutrients that play a lesser-known role in H2S and SO4-2 {both sulfurs} metabolism..., including vitamin D, vitamin C, curcumin {which assimilates way better with black pepper}, resveratrol, and others. These are, perhaps not coincidentally, among the nutrients with the strongest health-supporting evidence. While their role in sulfur metabolism is virtually never mentioned in articles on their health benefits, we propose that it may be as significant as their antioxidant and other properties. ...
_2. ... What novel physical methods will be suggested ... to increase the exclusion zone size and health of biological tissues?
... The only physical therapy thus far shown to increase the size of the exclusion zone is the application of infrared light....
{According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, wheat flour has a maximum residue limit (MRL) for glyphosate of 5 parts per million (ppm).
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the tolerance for glyphosate residues: in sweet corn is 3.5 ppm;
in soybeans is 20 parts per million (ppm);
in oats is 30 parts per million (ppm).}
Thanks, Gavin. Some messages to me were in my Spam folder, so I'm a little slow replying. Lucky I found them at least. A close friend of my brother's wife worked for Monsanto in St. Louis, MO. We consider such work counterproductive. I didn't know, though, that they were also a weapons manufacturer.
For some history on how chemical weapons manufacturers like Monsanto ended up taking over a significant portion of the food supply (and poisoning it):