First get licorice roots, phenylalanine, cream of tartar & calamus root and do #1 & 2. After 2 weeks, get orange juice and do #3 & 4.
1. Buy licorice root sticks (the real root, not the candy); cut each one to the size of a cigarette & suck on it when needed, as it causes the brain to release dopamine, a natural neurotransmitter important for good mood, pleasure and many good things.
Drink up to 2 quarts water per day to help flush nicotine out of the system.
2. Take phenylalanine (for dopamine & appetite suppression) 1g 3x/day on empty stomach 30' before meals; it takes 2 weeks to show effects.
3. 2 weeks after #2, add a tablespoon of cream of tartar to a glass of orange juice. Drink one glass 3x/day to remove nicotine even faster than with water.
4. Chew on calamus root for aversion therapy, as it causes nausea when smoking.
5. After quitting, don't smoke again, because it's more addictive after quitting.
Sloane used to have some Youtube videos that explained the steps above, but it looks like Youtube didn’t like them and has censored them. Good thing I transcribed them above.
I told a cousin about Sloane’s advice above a few years ago. He said the first week was a little bit hard, but after that it’s been pretty easy ever since. He still keeps the licorice sticks on him when he gets the urge and they’re very healthful.
Here's a place in New York that sells 4 ounces of licorice sticks for 9.50 and there's free shipping for orders over $20.
There are some sources in Canada too.
Thank you!